My first grade students had a blast making these Viking ship pictures. They have been studying about the Vikings in their Language Arts & Social Studies class, so it was a fun cross-curricular project.

(See more images of Viking ships here.)

I have provided free templates for you to use! You can find them for free at my shop here. Here’s how you use them:
- Print all of the templates on to card stock. You can either use the printout as it is, or you can create tracers for your students. The benefit of using a tracer is that your students can trace on to a larger sheet of paper (any color) and then they can alter the head, make it bigger and add designs coming off it.
- Color in the ship, shields and flag using markers or crayons. Cut everything out and glue as in the picture above. You can use any kind of wood stick or regular popsicle stick to attach the flag.
- For the background, we used white crayon to draw waves and then painted with different shades of blues and purples using watercolor paints. (Amazon Affiliate link used at no extra cost to you- the money earned goes towards maintaining this website.) We use Crayola Education Watercolors (these are different than the regular washable watercolors, I just think the colors are better.) After painting, glue the ship on to the background using bottled glue.

I hope you enjoy this project as much as my students did! It was a way to connect to Social Studies, but still allowing for some creative freedom.
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