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Character Creation Workshop with Tracy Subisak: A Fun and Creative Experience

Illustrator drawing on an easel beside the cover of the book "Sorry, Snail" by Tracy Subisak featuring a child and a snail.

We had a great time at our school with a visiting author and illustrator named Tracy Subisak. Tracy is Taiwanese-American and studied industrial design in school. She is the author of several children’s picture books. She recently visited our school to talk about her career, process, books and show some techniques for character creation. She read aloud to us the delightful book Sorry, Snail (Amazon Affiliate link used at no extra cost to you). I was immediately drawn to the book because of the neon orange colors. The colors in this picture don’t show how beautiful the colors are in real life. This book is hilarious and charming and it explores what it means to give a real apology. Tracy did a fabulous job reading the book to the kids in lively and animated voices.

A child holds up a small snail next to a large, colorful one. Text around the big snail reads, "Ms. Snail–YOU ARE DELIGHTFULLY SLIMY!", "YOUR SHELL IS BEAUTIFUL!" and "I LOVE YOUR TENTACLE EYES MOST OF ALL!!!!" Illustration by Tracy Subisak.

After the presentation, the kids had the chance to watch Tracy draw characters that they developed together by calling out suggestions for characters, and things that the character liked and disliked.

Illustrator Tracy Subisak drawing a cartoon rhinoceros surrounded by flowers on a large easel pad.
Illustrator Tracy Subisak's whiteboard drawing features a chameleon with the word "Crusty" above it, holding a slice of pizza with its tongue. Cartoons of a spray bottle and pizza slice are also depicted.
A poster on a wooden door features various hand-drawn doodles by illustrator Tracy Subisak, including a cow with a name tag labeled "Anna Beth," a pizza slice, and text reading "Kronos!!!" and "Cannibull Cheez curdz.

Next, the children tried their hand at creating and drawing their own characters. They completed pages that had them brainstorm ideas about their character’s likes and dislikes, family, location and facial expressions. Such fun!

A pencil sketch of a winged, anthropomorphic character with a horn, stars on its cheeks, and large ears, standing upright. The page reads "CREATE YOUR CHARACTER" at the top.
Hand-drawn character with a cat-like face wearing a suit and bow tie, topped with a large hat. Text above reads "DRAW YOUR CHARACTER HERE".
A child is completing a character profile worksheet. The character's name is Webfoot, age 4, located in a "Far off universe where only monsters exist." The child has creatively drawn two friendly creatures for the story.
A hand holding a pencil is drawing "silly" facial expressions in a worksheet titled "Character Facial Expressions" with illustrations for "happy," "sad," and "angry.

I of course had to get a signed copy of the book for my autograph collection!

Inside the cover of a book with illustrations and a colorful background, a speech bubble with handwritten text reads, "Marcia, you are the bestest human!" The page is signed by Tracy Subisak.

Have you ever had an author or illustrator visit your school? Who was it? Share in the comments!

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

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