Yesterday I went to a really fun event called the Madison Print and Resist Zinefest. I have been to this before and it has always had loads of really interesting zines. I was on a mission this time though. I decided I am going to do a zine project with my classes and I wanted to find lots of interesting and unique “kid-friendy” zines.
What is a zine? A zine is a self-published, small circulation booklet with images or words, usually copied on a xerox machine. A zine can be about anything!
I will show you some pictures of the many zines that I picked up for your inspiration. I also took some videos of myself flipping through and unfolding the zines. (You may have to hop on over to the actual blog post to see the videos if you are reading this through an email subscription.)
This video from Tate gives a brief introduction to zines, shows how to make a zine from one piece of paper and shows examples of the subject matter that can be included in zines.
These examples below show some zines that were all made by using the one-piece of paper method.
Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.
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Love the idea