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Sweet New Children’s Book

I came across a sweet new children’s book that I’d like to share with you. It is called If You Are an Artist, (Amazon affiliate link at no extra cost for you) by Meg Auchenbach. I always love finding new inspirational books for my young students and this one is a charming book that shows what it’s like to think as an artist. The illustrations are whimsical and the book is delightful.

A sweet children's book titled "If You Are An Artist" by Meg Auchenbach, featuring an illustration of a child painting a rainbow with a butterfly nearby.

Before I buy a book I like to know what the pages look like on the inside so I know if it will be useful to me. Here are some of examples of the beautiful illustrations and text in this book.

Illustration of a child with a dragon imagining various concepts like planets, dinosaurs, and a colorful tree, accompanied by the words "How... Why... and What if?"
A sweet child with fairy wings and antennae paints a rainbow on an open book page. Text on the left reads, "And your favorite color? THE RAINBOW, of course!" Musical notes and stars adorn the rainbow, making it a delightful scene from a new children's book.
A child in a boat gazes at a full moon surrounded by stars and philosophical questions written in a spiral pattern. Text at the bottom left corner encourages artists to converse with the stars.
A children's book page with a sweet illustrated girl holding a paintbrush next to spilled paint and a diving cat. Text reads: "Nothing's an 'OOPS!' if you are an artist. Because you know the biggest mistake can lead to the greatest...
A sweet children's book illustration shows a girl with curly blonde hair, holding a cat-themed painting. Nearby, a cat wearing a beret sits on a stool, while people observe new artwork displayed on the wall.
A new children's book illustration with text: "Let your imagination grow... and grow... and GROW...". It shows a girl with floral designs flowing from her hair and a cat looking at her.
Illustrated book pages showing kids on a globe with the text: "Because the world is waiting for what only you can create." This sweet children's book inspires young minds to realize their unique potential.

What do you think? Have you seen this book before? Do you have any suggestions of new art books I should check out?

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

3 Responses to Sweet New Children’s Book

  1. I says:

    Thank you so much for this. I agree there are so many children’s books, where the illustrations are
    Not to my liking. I love the illustrations in this book, and I will buy it for my grandchildren, because I got to see the interior of the book,

  2. Maria Eugenia Perez says:

    I’d have loved to have this book as a child! it’s perfect for every little artist!

  3. Esther says:

    I am an artist, and l really liked the illustrations!

    But, l would like to have seen more of the rainbow of the colors of the children in this world .

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