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Mixed Media Heart Collage

Mixed media heart collage with words like "Sparkle," "Dream," "Play," "Colors," and "Smile" on a notebook page.

Do you have an art journal?  I love to make collages in mine.  Here is a heart collage that would be fun for kids to try.

I started by lightly sketching a heart on my page.

Then I tore off pieces of washi tape to add pattern.

A white paper adorned with colorful polka-dotted and heart-patterned tape pieces arranged in the shape of a heart, creating a delightful mixed media collage.

Next add torn pieces of paper, scraps and stickers.

Colorful paper pieces arranged in a heart shape on a white background, featuring various patterns and polka dots. This mixed media art creates a visually engaging heart collage.

Cut out words from magazines or use printed positive words and phrases.

Colorful heart-shaped collage of torn paper pieces on a white page with mixed media magazine cutouts on the right.

Continue covering the heart piece by piece, right up to the edges.

Colorful paper pieces arranged in a heart shape on a white background, featuring various patterns and polka dots. This mixed media art creates a visually engaging heart collage.

Add stickers for fun and color.

A heart collage with words like "Sparkle," "Play," and "Smile!" surrounded by stickers of bunnies and rainbows, showcasing mixed media artistry.

Heart-shaped, colorful collage with words like 'Sparkle,' 'Family,' and 'Dream' on a notebook.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

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  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.