This project is relatively simple and takes learning about lines into the third dimension.
I posted about this project back in 2013 and it was one of my most popular blog posts. I usually do a line painting project with the kindergartners. This is a great way to learn about types of lines, practice painting with a paintbrush and develop all those great fine motor skills you want the little ones to learn such as gluing and coloring.
1. The first step is to learn about types of lines. Read a book about lines and discuss different types. My favorite line book is Lines that Wiggle.
2. Next, demonstrate how to use a paintbrush, dip it into paint and carefully paint along the 12″x 18″ paper (not smashing the tip). Paint 7 or 8 lines across the paper. Emphasize that these are not scribbly lines, but rather practice lines like dashed, loopy, wavy, zig-zag, wiggly, etc. I chose to use only black paint to simplify the process and to create a lot of contrast against the very colorful Kwik Stix colors.
While the paint is drying, the students can work on a Line Worksheet, which I have posted here for free.
3. After the paint has dried (probably the next class period), the students will fill in the sections with colorful Kwik Stix paint sticks of their choice. You also could certainly use tempera paint or oil pastels. I have used marker before, but it’s harder to get solid coloring with markers (at least at the kinder level). These result in beautiful line paintings on their own. Keep reading to take this project one step further.
4. During the next class period, glue paper streamers to the bottom of the paper. I precut all the strips to make it less complicated for the class. Gluing these streamers took most of the class period for these kids.
5. Finally, I had my student volunteers (who are in 5th grade) roll and staple the paper together in a cylinder shape. Then, they punched two holes at the top and tied Twisteez wire to the top (you could also use yarn or string). They did this during the class as the kids finished up their projects.
Have you tried something similar? How do you teach about lines? Share in the comments!
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