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Art Video: Doodling with Watercolor Pencils

Colorful doodles made with watercolor pencils. Text: "Free Art Video: Doodling with Watercolor Pencils".


In this video, I give a demonstration of how to use Maped Watercolor Pencils to make a beautiful doodled painting.  If you are reading this through email or a blog reader, you may need to pop on over to my actual blog to see the video.  It should show up below.

Vibrant abstract doodle with swirls, stars, hearts, leaves, and various geometric shapes on a light background, enhanced with watercolor pencil effects. A colorful abstract drawing with various shapes and a set of watercolor pencils beside it.

If you would like to purchase a set, click here: Maped Watercolor Pencils

I was given a free set of watercolor pencils to review.

(affiliate links have been used.)

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

2 Responses to Art Video: Doodling with Watercolor Pencils

  1. I stumbled upon your website while looking for watercolor ideas on Pinterest. Kudos to you for posting all your work! I am in a watercolor class at the local Senior Center, though I always fancy getting carded everytime I go (but never do!) I look forward to sharing your website with my fellow “art lovers”

  2. Nancy Sapp says:

    I’ve seen several of your posts over the months but I signed up to get regular e-mails of your blog! I LOVE working in watercolors! My grandsons & I make greeting cards together sometimes & I LOVE that. Thanks for any & all ideas of working in art with children. Painting, sketching & designing is my passion! Grandma Nancy

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