Growth Mindset… Positive Thinking.. whatever you want to call it, there is power in changing the way you think about your day.
This package has 24 colorful, positive posters to hang in your classroom.
I choose to be positive.
Attitude and Effort are more important than talent.
Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush. It can color any situation.
Is this my best work?
A Challenge lets me exercise my brain.
Don’t say “I can’t”. Do say, “I will give it a try.”
Fast is not always best.
I can and I will.
Don’t say, “Can I be done?” Do say, “What else can I do to improve?”
Learning takes time. You can improve. Take the challenge!
Mistakes are expected and respected. Mistakes can help you learn.
Think Positive Talk Positive Be Positive
With practice, I can improve my skills.
Be inspired by the art and ideas of others.
Don’t spend your time comparing. Spend your time creating.
Have an (amazing inspiring educational artistic creative delightful) day!
I will listen to suggestions from other people. Feedback helps me grow!
Every day is a NEW adventure!
Every success starts with the decision to try.
Think. Experiment. Create. Step back & reflect. Get feedback. Improve.
Be Yourself! An original is worth more than a copy.
No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist. Salvador Dalí.
I can’t draw it… yet!
I can turn mistakes into something amazing!
Simply print, mount on colored card stock and hang! Instant bulletin board!
To purchase this package, visit my TPT shop here: Positive Mindset Posters
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