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Published Article in Arts & Activities Magazine

I have a new article in Arts & Activities magazine this month!  I am very excited.  I encourage you to submit articles to magazines if you have ideas you’d like to share.  It is very rewarding to see your words in print!  Arts & Activities and School Arts magazines are always looking for new articles.

A published article in Arts & Activities Magazine features text titled "Paintings with Fabric Inspired by Shinique Smith" and images of abstract fabric art. A collage of children painting abstract designs is featured alongside text detailing art lesson plans, learning objectives, and materials, presented in a published article for Arts & Activities Magazine. Magazine cover features a fox amidst dense floral and leafy scenery, titled "Arts & Activities," highlighting creative techniques in a published article.

You can read the full article here: http://pubdev.ipaperus.com/ArtsandActivities/AADecember2016/?page=16

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

2 Responses to Published Article in Arts & Activities Magazine

  1. artwithmsem says:

    Did you have to get permission from students to use their artwork in the publication? One of my goals is to submit to a publication this year and want to learn more about logistics.


    • Yes you do! I have all my students sign a generic form for publishing artwork for my blog, school websites, Artsonia, educational presentations and printed publications. I have only had a handful of families opt out. I am very “proactive” at getting them to sign (reminding them multiple times, giving them multiple forms if necessary). That way, when I go to write an article I can just pull out those forms I already have gotten signed (and they are good for the student’s entire career at our school, so I only have to have the parents sign once.) Once or twice I have written the article, then had parents sign permission slips, but then their child’s artwork wasn’t selected to be published by the editor and that was awkward and I felt bad, so I now I don’t tell the families until it is actually published.

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