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If I Were President… by Kindergarten

With the election coming up, my kindergarten classes answered the sentence “If I were President, I would make the world a better place by…”  and they drew themselves as President.  I got this idea from my daughter’s art teacher, as they did it for President’s Day last year.  I started by reading them a book about what a president does.  This is one that I found that I really liked.  If I Were President by Catherine Stier (affiliate link provided.)

Kindergarten children's drawings and quotes about what they would do if they were president, displayed with colorful borders and flags.

After they made these pictures, we recorded their voices into a video slideshow of their artworks.  This video will be played at the Election Day assembly.  Unfortunately, I can’t share the video here because I don’t have permission to share their voices. Here are some more of our fun pictures.

Three children's drawings display their ideas of being President, featuring figures with flags and decorative borders.

“If I were President I would plant lots of flowers.”

“If I were President, I would help people and rescue them.”

“If I were President I would make good laws and protect the cities.”

Kindergarten children's drawings about being president, featuring patriotic themes and written descriptions of their presidential goals in an "If I Were President" series.

“If I were President I would help pick up garbage and make tree houses for kids.”

“If I were President I would keep people safe from wild animals with sharp teeth.”

“If I were President I would stay in my office and work and work and work.”

Kindergarten drawings about being president, featuring patriotic themes like flags and landmarks, with handwritten notes.

“If I were President I would make better rules.”

“If I were President I would help people if they got in trouble.”

“If I were President I would make houses when buildings got destroyed in earthquakes.”

Do you have any good projects that have to do with presidents or the upcoming election?   Share in the comments!

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

One Response to If I Were President… by Kindergarten

  1. I really liked this book. I thought that the author did a really good job at telling the kids about different things, like vetoes, but explaining it in a way that children would understand. I would recommend this book to others.

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