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Watercolor Animals with 5th and 6th Grade

Colorful watercolor paintings of birds on a white and blue background with "Watercolor Animals" text.

With all the fancy projects an art teacher can find on Pinterest, sometimes it’s good to go back to the basics.  Simple drawing and painting of familiar subjects.  This week my students drew art manekins.  You could see much more concentration in the students than while doing other projects.  I was looking through the folders on my computer and found these animal watercolor paintings my students had made last year.

Explore beautiful watercolor paintings of various animals, including a ferret, macaw, pig, bear, leopard, and parrot.

For more watercolor lessons, check out these old posts:

How to Paint Gorgeous Watercolor Clouds

Chinese Landscape Scrolls

Line Windsocks for Kindergartners

3 Art Projects with Leaves

Drawing Flowers with Watercolor Pencils

American Landscape Paintings

Watercolor painting is one of my favorite kinds of art to do on my own.  Here are some of my paintings I’ve made in the last year or so.

Colorful watercolor paintings of various birds and other animals, featuring vibrant hues and artistic backgrounds on white paper.

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

3 Responses to Watercolor Animals with 5th and 6th Grade

  1. Megan says:

    Hi Marcia, I was wondering if you had a lesson plan for your water color birds? I’d love to buy it!

    • Hi Megan, Thanks for your interest! I don’t have a lesson plan for them. I just paint them by looking at pictures of birds and then make drips on the top of the page and splatter some paint on them. I’m glad you like them!

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