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Winter Holidays Coloring Page

Hi!  I hope you are enjoying your winter so far.  I like to make little greeting cards to give to my students at winter time for various reasons.. thank yous for gifts or just because they want a little piece of my art.  A few years ago I made a cute little polar bear coloring card and it was a big hit with my students.

Now I know some art teachers cringe at coloring pages, but I think they’re fun.  Not as a substitution for a regular art lesson, but if kids want to color in their free time, why not?  Honestly, my daughter colors on coloring pages all the time and her drawing ability and creativity is excellent for her age…  she loves drawing all the time on her own, but finds it fun to color as well.  I think any time you can get markers and crayons in kids’ hands, it’s a win-win situation.

Here is the card I made for this year.  I’m going to shrink it down and print them two to a page (5″x7″) on card stock.  If you are caught in the coloring craze, feel free to print out a copy for yourself or your child!

A festive coloring page with holiday-themed animals, pine trees, snowflakes, and decorations. Text reads "merry winter." Great for winter holidays and seasonal activities.


Here is the one from a couple of years ago.

Two bears in winter hats with "Merry and Bright" text, surrounded by holly leaves and snowflakes, make for a delightful coloring page in a festive frame perfect for the winter holidays.

After my daughter saw my coloring pages, she wanted to make one of her own:

Children's drawing of a Christmas scene with a dog and a mouse, a Christmas tree, presents, holiday decorations, and winter holidays.

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

One Response to Winter Holidays Coloring Page

  1. This is such a good idea. Love your cards!

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  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.