Are you teaching about LINES in art? Here is a FREE printable types of lines handout.
I have been working on some quick assessment sheets for key concepts in art class. This is perfect for kindergarten, first grade and maybe higher.
Click to download this free Types of Lines in Art Worksheet.
Let the kids interpret the lines how they want. Curvy, wavy and scalloped could be all very similar.
This is the best book I have found for teaching about LINES: Lines that Wiggle by Candace Whitman (Amazon Affiliate link used at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Affiliate I receive a small amount of commission from qualifying purchases which goes to pay for the costs associated with maintaining this free website to help other art teachers.)
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Looking for some art projects to do while studying LINES? Check out this line blog post.
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Thank you. I think this is a great worksheet.
I think your entire site is the most inspiring menagerie of art concepts, projects, lessons, etc. I am in awe, Thank you!
Aww… thanks so much! Sometimes I wonder if the time I spend is helping anyone or worthwhile. I am always grateful to hear a positive comment!!
All these worksheets are such a great help with my students!!!
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