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Fruit and Flowers, Mice and Me!

Fruit and Flowers:

I colored in the sketch that I showed you here.  I mostly used colored pencils, watercolor pencils and watercolor paints.

A Mouse:
My 5th/6th graders are painting animals and my go-to demo is always a mouse or hamster.  I love cute rodents.  The kids are always astounded when I show them how to make furry texture with a fan brush!  So fun.  Do you have go-to images you use when demonstrating techniques?

Here I am at 33 weeks pregnant!  Time is ticking away.  Hopefully the sooner the better!  I’m going on maternity leave starting when our Spring Break starts, which is the third week in April.  I probably will have the baby sometime that week (I know I will be induced during that week most likely.)  Then, I will be off for the rest of the school year (6 weeks until summer break).  It will be nice to have the whole summer to get adjusted to a new baby and routine.  I still managed to blog when I had my first daughter, during naptimes.. well, she would only sleep on my lap in a sling, but I still had some time.  I’m hoping I will have time to blog when I’m off of work… I have lots of pictures to show you of projects we’ve done this year at school.

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

One Response to Fruit and Flowers, Mice and Me!

  1. rina says:

    You look fabulous Marcia! Good luck!

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