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10 More Spirit Day Ideas for School!

We are coming up with lots of good ideas for Spirit Days at our school.

The first post on Spirit Day ideas was popular with Google searches, so I must not be the only one who is always on the look out for new and fresh ideas for fun days at school.

Illustration of a hand pointing to a pennant with "GO!" text and "More School Spirit Ideas" written above, ideal for promoting School Events.

Many art teachers wear multiple hats and end up leading groups like Student Council or plan school wide events.  Here are more Spirit Day ideas we came up with.

1.  Fandom Friday (my students tend to pick names with alliteration!):  What are you a fan of?  Love watching Dr. Who?  Are you a Packers FAN-atic?  Do you love My Little Ponies?  Dress in clothing to show your fandom.

2.  Mythical Monday:  Dress like something mythical.. unicorns, Santa (well, maybe only in high school!), etc.

3.  Color Challenge or Rainbow Week:  Each grade level wears a different color.

4.  Hat Day:  Wear a zany hat!

5.  Time Travel Tuesday:  Take a trip to another time and dress like someone from another era.

6.  Excessive Accessories Day:  Wear as many bracelets, bow ties, ties, hats, sunglasses, necklaces or hair accessories as you’d like!  The more the better!

7.  Recycled Materials Attire:  We did this around Earth Day several years ago and the kids made stuff to wear from recycled materials (like a necklace or skirt made from cast-offs.)

8.  Tie-Dye Day

9.  Superhero Day:  Who is your hero?

10.  Patterns, such as Polka Dot Day, Stripes Day, Plaid, etc…

Other School Wide Ideas for Fun Events:

  • Movie Night:  show one or two movies in different rooms and serve popcorn
  • Talent Show:  students come up with fun acts to show in front of the school
  • International Day:  exhibits on various countries
  • Arts Night (performances and the opportunity to try out different art projects)
  • SPARK:  Spreading Acts of Random Kindness– create a bulletin board where students can write down acts of kindness they see other students do
  • Toy drive/ Food drive/ Coat collection/ Coin collection for charity/ Trick or Treat for UNICEF/ Letters & Care Packages for Soldiers
  • Field Day with sports competitions and silly games

Be sure to check out the original post for more ideas!  15 Spirit Week Ideas

And also, I’d love for you to join me on my new Facebook page!

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

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