Our school is building an addition! The addition will double the physical size of our school. Included are several more classrooms, a teacher’s workroom, a performing arts center, multi-purpose room and AN EXTRA ART ROOM.
Over winter break, the construction crew knocked out our paper storage closet and our kiln closet to make a connecting hallway.
Don’t worry though, after construction is done, we will have a new walk-in storage closet in between the old art room and the new art room.
One of our sinks was torn out to make the new hallway and that sink was moved to the back of the room. I think the best part of this process was that it forced us to take everything out of the closets and really organize it all. A lot of our materials got put into an outdoor storage pod, but we have planned all year for that. The kiln will be out of commission until next year, but all of the grade levels had the chance to make a clay project at the beginning of the year.
I don’t know whether I will be teaching in the old room or the new room, but really I am fine with either room. I’m just glad we will have MORE SPACE for all of our projects and supplies.
Do you have any words of advice for setting up a new art room? Anything we should make sure to plan out ahead of time?
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That’s a big job Marcia. You’re going to have a great new space.
Wow! LUCKY!!! 🙂
Congrats on the new addition! If I had it to all over again, I would have thrown out/ given away a bunch of stuff I will never use again ( posters etc.) and would have labeled my shelves in a more understandable way. Date your paints and try to use them up before they separate and get yucky. Throw out donated junk you will NEVER use. Enjoy!