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Amazing Back to School Giveaway!

***** Giveaway is now closed! ***


Hi, friends!  Back to school is almost here and because I love giveaways (and have been very lucky winning things from other blogs) I put together a “back to school kit” for one lucky teacher or parent.  To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post and tell me what you like best about going back to school.

Assorted art supplies, including colored pencils, markers, notebooks, highlighters, erasers, sticky notes, and books.

Roaring Spring Paper sent me a box of different notebooks as a free sample.  Three of them are in this “back to school kit”.

Color Me Notebook – There are a variety of pre-printed themes on the covers such as Aquarium, Farm, Sports and Fun Park to peak kid’s interest.   http://www.rspaperproducts.com/products/color-me-products

Farm-themed coloring page with cows, chickens, a pig, and a tractor.

The next notebook I thought was pretty cool, the lines go one way on the front side and then the other way on the back side.

Cross-Over Notebook – Unique wire bound notebook that has college-ruled lines running the width of the page on one side, and the length of the page on the other side. This unique printing allows you to take notes three ways:  wide for sketching or to illustrate diagrams, standard, or use the backlight grid pattern the lines create for graphing. These are several great ways to get a lot out of one notebook– crossover to a better note taking experience!  http://www.rspaperproducts.com/products/wirebound-notebooks/special-use-notebooks/cross-over-book

An open spiral-bound notebook with blank lined paper on a dark surface.

A lovely pastel green notebook!

Sugarcane Paper Notebooks – This environmentally friendly product is made of paper from sugarcane, truly a renewable paper.  This is a notebook where, by purchasing it really does save a tree.  http://www.rspaperproducts.com/products/wirebound-notebooks/genesis-poly-cover-paper-notebooks

A hand flipping through pages of a green notebook with additional notebooks and coloring books in the background.

Then, I went shopping and found some fun things ESSENTIAL for the teacher going back to school!  Flavored powder packets to add to your water bottle (use them all the time), fun pencils, snazzy binder clips, Post-it notes, chapstick and Tic-Tacs.

Assorted stationery including pencils, binder clips, Post-it notes, lip balm, tic-tacs, and raspberry lemonade mix.

Love those back to school sales!  Crayola markers, Crayola colored pencils and glue sticks.

Back to School essentials: Crayola markers, colored pencils, and Elmer's disappearing purple glue sticks on a dark surface.

Highlighters, Conté A Paris 12 Colour Chalk Pastel Crayon Assortment, mini Scratch Art sample and other Conte a Paris samples I received.

Assorted art supplies including markers, drawing pencils, scratch art, and pastel sets on a dark surface.

And then for your own personal enrichment, this gently used book called Cultivating Your Creative Life, and some fun Sharpies!

A book titled "Cultivating Your Creative Life," with colorful Sharpie markers beside it on a dark surface.

I will pick a random person from the comments on August 22, the day I go back to school!  USA shipping only please.

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

51 Responses to Amazing Back to School Giveaway!

  1. Heather says:

    The best part of going back to school is the smell of a new big box of crayons!

  2. Carrie says:

    The best part of going back to the classroom is seeing all Of the kids’n It’s all about them and allowing them the opportunity to explore, create, imagine, and learn new techniques with new materials. Opening up boxes of markers and crayons is better then any birthday or holiday!!!

  3. juliet long says:

    The best part about going back to school is the school supplies shopping trip! There’s nothing better than loading up your new bookbag with all your new supplies!!!! And then of course organizing your desk!!!!

  4. Janel says:

    The best part of back to schoo,l for me, is back to school shopping for my boys. I like buying school supplies, what can I say. Also, getting that first whiff of my art room supply closet where all the new crayon boxes live. Thanks for this giveaway, looks like good stuff.

  5. Jen Impey says:

    That cross-over notebook is awesome! I’ve never seen one like that! I also think the best part of school starting back up is when the supplies are delivered to my classroom…it’s like Christmas! Awesome giveaway!

  6. Katie says:

    I love going back to school, starting a new year with fresh supplies, fresh ideas, and a fresh, sparkling clean room! There’s nothing quite like it 🙂

  7. Ellen Duncan says:

    My favorite thing about going back to school is seeing all the new students and how the kids I’ve taught in the past have grown up over the summer.

  8. Tab Lloyd says:

    My favorite part of going back to school is the beginnings of all the new relationships. Even when a kid comes back to school with a bad attitude, it provides a great base for change. Then we get to reflect at the end of the year and say “remember the first time we met?”
    I am part of a group starting a new school this year with NO ART PROGRAM (besides what individual teachers take on themselves). 🙁
    Tab Lloyd
    The 5th Dimension

  9. Kathy says:

    My favorite part of going back to school is getting all of my new art supplies out for the kids to use. Fresh boxes of crayons, clean crisp paper, clean paint brushes and counter tops!

  10. Michelle Champlin says:

    Going back to school means going back too work for me. Seeing all the children is like coming home again. The excitement in the air is utterly contagious!

  11. Nancy says:

    The best part about going back to school is getting everything organized and finding new, exciting ideas to try with the kiddos.

  12. Jennica says:

    I love the beginning of school because it is a fresh start. I am refreshed, I have new ideas, the students are well rested, and the beginning of school is exciting.

  13. susan says:

    new ideas

  14. Kathleen says:

    My favorite thing about going back to school is the ENERGY!!! I love the energy of a fresh start of a year. Everything starts with a clean slate. And that book Cultivating Your Creative Life looks great!

    K – 6 Art, AZ

  15. Jessica says:

    Hi, Marcia! My favorite part of back to school is meeting my new students!

  16. Claudia says:

    Going back to school gives me a sense of purpose! I love seeing the students after the summer break, all fresh and ready for new art ideas. As an “older” teacher, it is inspiring to be with the kids, K-8!

  17. My favorite part about going back to school is Possibilities! Who will reach? What will they learn? What will I learn? How will we change each other? I get so excited, and I’m so thrilled to stumble onto this blog. I’m an English teacher but every single assignment I do includes some art component, because 1. I love all things art, and 2. sometimes students need a different way of communicating, and art is it!

  18. Katie Morris says:

    That crossover notebook is super cool. I was supposed to start school today but I’m home with a kidney infection instead! I’m looking forward to setting up my new room at one school and trying some new arrangements at the other.

  19. Vicky Siegel says:

    The best part of going back to school is all of the new supplies, organizing them, and seeing all of the smiling faces enter the art room!

  20. Eva Marina says:

    What a wonderful giveaway, thank you! We home-school, I can’t wait to get back into our routine. I’m also looking forward for a lot of fun trips I’ve planned.

  21. Jen says:

    I love getting school supplies! There is something fresh and new, like a clean slate when all the school supplies till out. 🙂

  22. Sadie says:

    I love having an organized desk and clean tempera cale palettes. But then again I love the messy palettes because that means we are making beautiful art!

  23. Love to be back to the morning routine, cooking breakfast, and getting new stuff.

  24. Kim says:

    I’m just very excited I get to teach Art again!

  25. Lynola says:

    I love seeing the kids and how excited they are (and I am) at the beginning of the school year.

  26. Meredith says:

    I teach my kids at home, and I am grateful for the chance at a fresh start each year. The planning and organizing fills me with a sense of hopefulness!

  27. Mrs.C says:

    I’m looking forward to the smiles of my students as they come in the art room door for the first time after a good summer! I miss my Kinders saying,” I missed you! Are we painting!?! What a great collection of goodies you put together! 🙂

  28. Christine Garmong says:

    Getting ready to go back to school is magnificent and joyful. Wow! Trying all the new lessons I found during the summer weeks from MANY art teacher blogs…… Seeing the change and growth of each student, as well as introducing a new group of kindergarters to the wealth of ART. I can’t wait.

  29. Rachel Mills says:

    So glad I found your blog! The best part about going back to school is EVERYTHING! Starting fresh, new lessons, new decor and clothes, the eager kids, reconnecting with coleagues! I can’t wait!

  30. sarah says:

    Cute blog.
    I LOVE school supplies. To me they are 2 fold because I am a teacher and obviously use school supplies but I also craft/ do artwork and use lots of school supplies for that too. I love a clean notebook!
    I love seeing the excitement my (spec. ed kids) have coming back and seeing me! Love those hugs!

  31. Debbie Johnson says:

    Yesterday I was groaning about going back to school… but that didn’t last long! My favorite part is how I’m always surprised at how excited I get once I break out one of my many school bags & find lesson & fun classroom ideas written on little pieces of paper, all over the place! That’s what happened today! Then I started reading about other art teachers’ ideas for inspiration online, which inspired me to jot down art supplies I’d still like to order, to then researching apps & blogs, to imagining art projects for my students, and then to imagining art projects for myself, Oh My!!
    Looks like I’ve dived right in without realizing it! Hopefully my students will feel the same way

  32. Alyssa says:

    My favorite thing about going back to school is opening new supplies and meeting my students.

  33. Paige Roth says:

    I am new to your blog and I absolutely love it! I am preparing to teach fifth grade for the first time and am really looking forward to teaching the fifth grade art standards to my students. So many of your lessons in the fifth grade section tie in with standards that I will be teaching throughout the year.

    I too like many have already said about heading back to school love meeting my new students and seeing the excitement on their faces as they enter their new classroom!

  34. Kim Hyman says:

    The best thing about going back to school is a fresh new start. New ideas, new materials, new enthusiasm and sometimes new faces, too.

  35. The best thing about going back to school, especially fall 2013: I am finally at my dream job! Teaching K-2 ART in the best school, ever! We just started yesterday and I am still walking on clouds!!!

  36. Amy Skeen says:

    Aug 22nd is my and my husbands birthday!!! 🙂 I love getting everything organized and the day the curriculum comes in the mail! I love planning a special breakfast for the first day and buying special little treats for my boys. I love planning fun things to do with other homeschoolers, as well. Thank you!

  37. genie holt says:

    Back to school is much like springtime – the promise of new things, expectations of growth, excitement about possibilities.

  38. Katie E says:

    I have loved back to school time ever since I was a kid, and I’m glad my kids love it too! The best part is all the new school supplies and the excitement of starting new classes with awesome new teachers 🙂

  39. Paula R. says:

    I love back to school time because my classroom is so bright, clean and full of new supplies for my new class. I can’t wait to meet them all and get started on a great year!

  40. Tiffany Timmons says:

    I love the renewed purpose and organization. Teaching my kids and seeing their progress is such a joyous experience!

  41. Crystal J says:

    Setting up… then re-arranging, deciding on colors/themes, waiting for tax free weekend, going Pinterest crazy…can’t sleep the night before, meeting 600+ faces rushing by you in the morning, the smiles, oh and the hugs that are always a little too tight…and the thought of walking out that afternoon knowing I will change 680 young artist in the course of 10 months because of all the knowledge and patience I have. 1 of them may change the world and remember me :0)

  42. Creating. Inspiring the children to create. These are the reasons I enjoy coming back to school. For the children to think outside the box, to see the world in a different way, and to see the pleasure art brings to them lifts my spirits each day as they step through my door into a place where their minds can explore the many possibilities of creating their own world.

  43. Marie B says:

    The best part of going back to school is the students’ excitement to see their friends and teachers again, and seeing how much they have grown over the summer.

  44. Julie says:

    I love back to school because it is a fresh start!

  45. Hillary h says:

    The best part of going back to school is the excitement the students have for the year ahead and how we have the opportunity to get them invested in their learning from the very beginning! 🙂

  46. Karen says:

    I like that our job has a very specific start and end date, but I don’t know how to explain why. What I love about going back is the kiddos, the freshness of it all, all the new possibilities. It makes everything seem possible.

  47. Mrs. Crouch says:

    The best part of going back to school is seeing my students again (elementary art teacher)! I have missed them over the summer and I can’t wait to hear all of their stories 🙂

  48. I was just down at the school the other day checking in new art supplies and found that I was delighted that school would be starting. I have a ton of new ideas to start out the school year and love the promise that another year brings.

  49. Caroline Harkins says:

    This will be my first year teaching!!!!!! (so excited) Everything is exciting to me from being able to have my very own art classroom to meeting the creative students that I will get to teach. I cannot wait to begin my career as an art teacher!

  50. Kristen Thompson says:

    This is going to be a very exciting year for me. I haven’t been in the art room in several years. I have been a stay at home mom. Doing of course my own art and making messes with my kiddos. However, I have been itching to get back to the art room. To smell the crayons and get down and dirty! I have so many exciting projects that I can’t wait to start. I will be teaching Pre-School thru 8th grade so I get to try lots of new stuff. Hopefully my kids will love me being their “art teacher” in school. Nervous and so excited art teacher here!

  51. Judy Gromatzky says:

    My favorite part about going back to school is ALL of the fresh new things! New supplies, new students, new ideas, and then the parents and students that I taught before. I have been at the same district for 21 years and am teaching the offspring of my students from years ago. I love the kids faces when their parents call out my name and give me hugs!

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