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A Day in the Life of an Elementary Art Teacher

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an elementary art teacher?

Maybe you are interested in becoming an art teacher.  Maybe you are curious how my day compares to yours’.  I know I would love to walk a day in another art teacher’s shoes to see what it is like at different schools or in different locations.  Through words and pictures, I am going to walk you through my day.  Out of privacy of the students, there will be no pictures of the darling children I teach, but I assure you, they are adorable.  Also, any behavior issues or sensitive matters are not discussed on my blog.

Here is a little background on my school.  I teach at a K-8 private school for gifted and talented children in Wisconsin.  We have many mixed grade level classes.  My classes are Nest (grade K), Primary (grade 1), Upper Primary (grade 2), Intermediate (grade 3), 3/4 (mixed 3rd and 4th grade), 4/5 (mixed 4th and 5th grade) and 5/6 (mixed 5th and 6th grade).  I see our classes twice per week for 40 minutes.  There are double units of 3/4s-5/6s.  Part of my teaching assignment includes Student Council and Yearbook.

A Day in the Life:  Thursday, Feb. 28

6:20 am:  Wake up, take shower, dress Daria, get ready for school..

7:15 am:  Load everything up into the car.  Take Daria to her daycare.  She goes to an in-home daycare with a few other kids.A child in winter clothing stands near a car on a snowy driveway, with houses and snow-covered trees in the background, ready for a school day.

7:30 am:  Daria is dropped off and now I am on my way to school.  Driving is slow today because of the snow that fell yesterday.

8:00 am:  Arrive at school.  I dump off my lunch in the refrigerator and head to my classroom.  Kids start arriving in the class around 8:10.  Our first period doesn’t start until 8:25, but they can hang out in the room and get started on their projects (or free draw) until class officially begins.  I was home sick yesterday, so I look over the notes that were left by the sub and see the art that was created.  I take out things we will need for the 1st period class.

An elementary art classroom with stools upside down on tables, shelves filled with supplies, bright windows, and hanging decorations.

Here is my classroom first thing in the morning. Chairs are left up at the end of the day, so the cleaning service can sweep.

A snow-covered field with a leafless tree in the foreground and hills in the background under a cloudy sky.

Here is the lovely view from my room. LOVE IT!

8:25 am:  1st period starts.  This is one of my 4/5 classes.  Today, they are finishing their Greek Vase chalk drawings.  Many of them finish early and work on creating texture rubbings with crayons and watercolor paints.

drawing a colorful still life with markers and crayons at a table with various art supplies nearby.

9:10 am:  The 4/5 class leaves and I have a plan period.  I spend the period hanging artwork, checking email and filling out a questionnaire about a student.

9:50 am:  Break time.  Students start to enter the room for the next class.

10:00 am:  3rd period starts.  I have a very small 5th/6th grade group of kids.  Some of the students are finishing glazing their clay castles and others are printing their carved rubber stamps. Both of these projects are turning out fabulously.

A child's hand paints a white castle model with gray highlights using a small brush. Three sheets of paper with colorful block prints, including patterns of squares, hearts, and abstract designs in various colors.

Since this class is super small, I have time to set up some weaving looms for the 2nd grade class and open the kiln that was fired last night.  Everything looks nice, but it’s too hot to unload now.

Assorted glazed pottery pieces in various colors inside a kiln.

10:40:  Period 4 starts, which is another plan period for me.  One thing I love about my school is that I have ample time to prepare.  Thank you!  I spend most of the time photographing artwork for Artsonia and uploading it.  A bit of time is spent making sure brushes and palettes are washed thoroughly.  Then, lunch, answering a phone call and more computer work.  Some days I have recess duty or Student Council meetings during lunch time, but today was free.

12: 20:  I have the Nest (grade K) class during 5th period today.  They are finishing a monster drawing they started yesterday with the substitute teacher.  They also are adding snow to a penguin picture they had made last week.  I realize that I didn’t take any photos of the monster drawings!  During this period and 8th period on Thursdays I have my very helpful student assistants.  I have a few of the older kids who volunteer in the art room during their study hall period.  The girls helped out by hanging artwork in the hallway and passing back artwork to students’ lockers.

Children's penguin drawings with googly eyes and orange beaks on blue paper, surrounded by art supplies.

1:00:  Primary class (grade 1) is next.  These students also are finishing a monster drawing started yesterday.  Some are catching up on a weaving from last week.

Close-up of a weaving project with colorful threads and a festive patterned fabric.

1:40-1:50:  Break (Sometimes teachers have break duties, but today I did not.)

1:50-2:30:  Period 7 is another small 5/6 class and the kids are doing the same things as the students in the morning did.

2:30-3:10:  Period 8 is the Upper Primary class (2nd grade)  I read them a book about weaving and then they started a circular weaving project.  I will share this project later.

3:10-3:25:  After school duty.  I stand outside on the playground supervising kids as their parents pick them up.  After this, I had a quick meeting with the guidance counselor and then I left school around 3:45.

By 4:10 I was at Daria’s daycare to pick her up.  Then, we ran to the store so I could pick up some items for Student Council.  We are having a Tic-Tac Tuesday sale this coming Tuesday, where we sell mints, Mentos, Lifesavers, Jolly Ranchers and Tic-Tacs as a small fundraiser for Student Council.

By 5:00 we were home.  Then, it was time to let Linus (my dog) outside, throw the ball around for him and play ponies with Daria.  The family had dinner and we started putting Daria to bed.. reading books and so forth.  7:45 she is in bed and then it is time to relax.  I will probably play some mindless games on my phone, read a book and go to bed early, since I’m still not feeling 100%.  Some nights I will go to the gym or spend some time painting and drawing.

A child with blond hair, dressed in a pink shirt and smiling, plays with My Little Pony toys.

What is your typical schedule like?  I would love to see how you spend your days.

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

14 Responses to A Day in the Life of an Elementary Art Teacher

  1. Phyl says:

    You keep referring to ‘ very small classes’. Since class size varies so much in different locales and types of schools, I’m wondering whether ‘very small’ means 5 kids – or 10 kids – or 15 kids…? Can you put it in perspective for us please?

    • These two classes started as a group of 13. The class was split further into two sections because of scheduling. Classes normally are around 14 kids per class. It is very nice to have small groups of kids. I know I’m lucky. I’ve taught classes of 30 before and it requires a ton of planning and thought.

      • Mrs D says:

        Yes. Must be very nice to have those small groups. Enjoy! Your projects are great! I teach in a public school with average of 25. Sometimes in the 30’s Y biggest group ever was 50!!! That was a crazy ear…

        • Thanks and thanks for reading my blog! The small classes are definitely a plus to working in a private school. I have had classes of 30 before when I taught in a public school. Those are a lot to manage! I couldn’t imagine 50 kids in one class. How is that possible?

  2. suz says:

    the girl working on her Greek vase drawing…is she putting sharpie on top of chalk pastel? did you spray the chalk first, I would love to see some more photos of that lesson. Your day sounds lovely!

  3. Katie Morris says:

    Are you using foam meat trays as looms?

  4. Mrs. Ern says:

    Wow…small calss sizes? unheard of in public school! Sounds like you have quite a busy day, as I do. A typical art class in my district runs 1x per week at 40 minutes. I split my time between 2 public schools and average about 6 classes per day. Hardly time to prepare, especially when you have 2 classrooms to prepare and most of the time I am doing different projects at the two schools.But, when there is time, I totally take advantage of it. Thanks for sharing your day!!

  5. Char says:

    Your schedule sounds like a dream. I have over 700 students from K – 5 that I see once a week for 45 mins. We get one 45 prep each day and I have a total of 60 minutes of duty.

    • Thanks for sharing. I’m glad I have that plan time, I definitely use it for getting Student Council and Yearbook stuff done! My school has been good about giving me adequate time. All art teachers deserve that! We have so much to do with getting the room ready, preparing curriculum, hanging displays, prepping supplies.. I hear you. 45 minutes a day doesn’t seem like enough!

  6. Pingback: How To Become An Art Teacher – Are You Up For It? – A Touch of Business

  7. I teach in a Montessori school now for 10 years. I teach 2 k- 3rd mixed classes in the am back to back 9:20 – 11:30 13 children each and 1 class in afternoon no prep periods are scheduled into my day
    I am also a co HR teacher so we have specials during the middle of the day which I’m required to attend and lunch duty needless to say I’m burned out.
    I also teach one last class at 2:45 to upper school 4-8th 1 grade each day of the week your schedule sounds wonderful
    Thx for sharing

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