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Complementary Color Collages– 1st Grade

Complementary Color Collages
by the 1st Grade

This project introduces the first graders to complementary colors.  I show them the color wheel and I explain how the complementary colors are across from each other on the color wheel.  They are the “opposites”.  If you mix the two of them together you would get a brownish or grayish color.  We talk about the primary/secondary colors and focus on the pairs of red + green, blue + orange, and violet + yellow.  At this point, a kid usually will point out the intermediate colors and I show them how those also have complementary colors.  For this project, we focus on the complementary pairs I have listed above.  I also read them this cute book called “The Orange Book” by Richard McGuire.  It is out of print, but I picked one up on amazon.com last summer.  The story is about oranges, but the pictures are all printed in orange and blue (which is one of the complementary pairs we will be using.)  I often like to read a story book that is inspiring to the subject matter we are studying.

A 1st grader is creating a geometric art project with blue and orange paper shapes, using complementary color collages on a table.
A bag with orange and blue materials.

Preparation:  Gather colorful materials and place them in ziploc bags according to complementary pairs.  I include:  paper scraps, colorful tape, foam letters and pieces, stickers, colored cellophane, pompons, crepe paper, paint chip samples and stamps.  I have these fun marker stampers:  Crayola 10 Count Expressions Washable Mini-Stampers which I put out for the children to use.  This is a great time to use up those bits and bobs and random scraps.

After the introduction, I place the bags of complementary color “stuff” at different tables.  Then I say, “All the students who want to use orange and blue in their collage, sit at this table.” and so forth.  Usually the class is pretty evenly distributed.  Then, they use the materials however they would like to make a complementary color collage.

I like this project because it allows the kids to explore the materials in their own self-directed way.  Each of them comes up with such unique ways to put the materials together.

At the end of the class, whatever is left over gets put back in the bags and I save them for next year (and replenish them as needed.)

An orange hexagon taped to a white surface with patterned tape, featuring a small blue object in the center. This piece serves as an example of Complementary Color Collages, making it an engaging project for 1st Grade students.
in progress collage.
Children's hands crafting complementary color collages with yellow and purple paper, scissors, glue sticks, tape, and other materials on a table during an art lesson.
Kids open up the bags, share what’s inside and talk about the materials with their neighbors.
Children's hands crafting with green and red paper on a table, surrounded by colorful craft materials, creating color collages suitable for 1st grade.
A colorful abstract 3D paper sculpture with blue and orange pieces, checkered blue and white tape, and elements reminiscent of collages.
This imaginative boy turned his collage into a sculpture!
A 1st grade child's drawing showcases various doodles, including an airplane, animals, and abstract shapes in blue and orange, creating a playful blend of complementary color collages.
This boy enjoyed drawing lots of fun pictures with his markers.
Colorful abstract art featuring yellow hearts, purple letters, and gray shapes scattered on a white background.

An abstract mixed media artwork featuring complementary colors with geometric shapes, blue and orange hues, and diverse textures.

Abstract artwork with scattered green and red shapes, lines, and various textures on a white background, resembling a colorful collage.
A child's artwork showcasing a decorated Christmas tree made of cut-out shapes and tape.

How do you teach about complementary colors to the youngest students?

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

6 Responses to Complementary Color Collages– 1st Grade

  1. Such a simple, easy idea – and so effective! Thanks again 🙂

  2. mom2h says:

    I just ordered “The Weekly Doodle” e-book for my son. I plan to use it on days where he has free time, but we don't have an “official” art lesson planned. I can't wait to use the germ one…we are beginning the study of the Human Body in science this year!
    Maybe by the end of next summer you'll have developed WD2!! Or the ever ambitious DAILYDoodle Calendar!!! WOW! That would be SO FUN!
    Thanks for all the helpful resources you provide on your blog. Keep up the good work!
    -Rhonda H

  3. Marcia says:

    You're welcome! Thanks Rhonda, I appreciate it. I am thinking about making another edition of the Weekly Doodle. Honestly, the hardest part was the header! I spent so much time playing around with the heading and I couldn't get something I liked. That and the layout. I decided to go back to good old Microsoft Word and that was the easiest. You should check out these fabric microorganisms we made one year for an art show: http://vividlayers.blogspot.com/search?q=microorganism They were AWESOME!!

  4. mom2h says:

    Yes, they ARE! I'm headed to the library to find some books on cells, germs/microorganisms that have great color pictures. I see taking this lesson even further than the doodle. Thanks for the link.


  5. Phyl says:

    I love the stuff in a bag idea! I have done lessons where I put only certain colors paint at a table (such as the warm color table or cool color table). And also with construction paper paper or paint with a different complementary pair at each table, and amazingly, like you said, the kids seem to divide themselves out quite nicely!

  6. Pingback: 25 Awesome Art Books for Kids -

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