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Pick and Draw Game: GIVEAWAYS

Rich Davis, creator of a new drawing game called Pick and Draw, sent me a copy of his game to play with my kids.   I love this idea!   I can’t believe no one has invented this card game already. 🙂

The concept is simple.   The deck of cards contains face shapes, eyes, noses, mouths and hair.  Pick a card from the face pile, draw it.  Then pick the other facial features.  You can add your own creativity by changing the sizes, directions, adding bodies, etc.  What are the cartoon characters holding?  Where are they located?  What are their names?

Here is how I set up the classroom.

A classroom with several tables, chairs, computers, and a scattered Pick and Draw Game on one table; educational posters are on the walls.
Each table had cards to pick from.  The kids moved from table to table.
A table with playing cards and a sign that reads "choose a Face" adorned with doodles promotes the Pick and Draw Game.
Person playing the Pick and Draw Game at a table with books and cards around.
Starting the face
Hand-drawn sketches of various abstract faces with different hairstyles and expressions on a white background, inspired by the Pick and Draw Game.
Drawing lots of faces!  The kids were really excited and wanted to keep drawing more and more.
Explore the Pick and Draw Game with hand-drawn faces on sheets of paper, one featuring a separate cutout with eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
This student stapled together 5 sheets and set them up on the floor.
Child's drawing featuring various abstract faces with different expressions and shapes, created with pencil and crayon, resembling the fun of a Pick and Draw Game.
More characters
A person coloring a whimsical face drawing with a crayon on a paper covered in doodles, with game cards from Pick and Draw Game nearby.

You can try out the game online for yourself!  Go here. You can order the game for yourself here for $10 per deck.  I think it is well worth the money.  This would be a great game to have in your free-time drawing area.

Now….  Time for a giveaway!  If you would like a chance to win the Pick and Draw game, leave a comment here.  I will pick a winner randomly from a hat on April 1. 

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

23 Responses to Pick and Draw Game: GIVEAWAYS

  1. UPAE art says:

    WOW!!! i love this game! i bet my 1st graders would get a kick out of it.

  2. Mrs. Erb says:

    This is perfect for a sub lesson or a first day of school thing. I love it!!5

  3. That game looks really fun!

    Thanks for sharing it with us.


  4. Mrs. C says:

    This would be great for days your class is shortened or the students are done early and have extra time Or ….. to leave in my sub plan book!

  5. I would love to win this game. My kiddos love art and this would be great fun to add to our homeschooling day!

  6. Smarts63 says:

    That is an awesome idea for a game! I have been looking for some cool games to have my students use on in-between days! Thanks for the opportunity to get it!

  7. ArtMuse says:

    Your right, I'm surprised nobody had ever thought of this game before, it reminds me a little of the game 'guess who' from my childhood lol.

  8. What a fun game! I know my 2nd graders would have a blast with this! Thanks for sharing!

  9. kszwahl says:

    This is neat. I think my kids at school would love to do this! Thanks for a great give-a-way…..

  10. Katie Morris says:

    Oh, what a great idea for an Art room game!

  11. Lynola says:

    It looks really fun! With which grade levels do you use it?

  12. Kaye says:

    I got this game last year! The kids I nanny love it, we play during church 🙂

  13. Sounds fun! I've been trying to get my daughter more interested in drawing. This sounds like a perfect idea!

  14. Ms. Scott says:

    I first thought of my Kindergarten class for this- but I think all of my K-6 classes would have fun with it! Such a great idea!

    Shawsha (The Art Teacher Lady)

  15. Hayley says:

    Very fun idea! Feel free to check out my blog at http://www.artexplorium.blogspot.com

  16. Shannah says:

    Love this too! Great for subs, unexpected shortened classes, or choice time. Thanks for the chance to win:)

  17. Za faran says:

    Wow! Isn't it just awesome! Your class must be such a fun place! I can see the children had lots of fun. Maybe I can learn too, to draw some faces from this!
    Thank you.

  18. Corby Blem says:

    We play art games all the time in our Paint & Draw Workshop. It'd be fun to use this card game too!

  19. sadie says:

    I would so love to win this game! thanks for the opportunity!

  20. Stern says:

    I think these cards look fantastic! …and the possibilities are endless. I think even high school kids would get a kick out of them as a break from their routine. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Emily Maples says:

    Super cool idea! I really want to get a deck of these cards for my kiddos!

  22. rteachr says:

    WOW! This game looks super cool. I know that my students would enjoy this game if we had the opportunity toplay. Thanks.


  23. Pat says:

    Please, Please, Please! I hope you pick my name out of the hat! Thanks for the chance to win!


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