Paper Weaving. One of the projects I did with the kids for my Weaving Wonders Camp was Paper Weaving. Paper weaving is, of course, one of the first and most basic types of weaving. Kids in kindergarten, first or second grade will often complete paper weavings as introduction to weaving.
Preparation: Gather fancy scrapbook paper, with patterns, bright colors and maybe even glitter. Add some solid colors if you wish. Cut strips on a paper cutter, approximately 1/2-1 inch thick. Don’t be too obsessive about making them exactly the same size, you’ll go crazy.
Starting to Weave: Line up all of your strips on the table, making sure there are no overlapping edges. Take a long piece of masking tape and tape the strips down at the top edge. These kids, kindergarten-4th grade, finished the project in about 30 minutes. If you are worried your kids won’t finish before the class ends, then have them tape the strips to a piece of cardboard so you can pack them up at the end of class.
Weaving: Just like in any other paper weaving, take a strip and weave over and under each of the taped strips. The following strip will need to be woven the opposite way, under– then over.
To finish: Trim the edges, glue down all the ends on all four sides. Gently remove the tape. Cut a piece of poster board slightly bigger than the finished weaving. Apply hot glue on the back of the weaving and mount it to the poster board to finish the work.
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Glad to have found you (or I guess you found me). Love your ideas on weaving. You will be quoted on my blog soon. You have some great ideas! Noised your a mid west gal too. I'm from Rogers, MN. What grades do you teach? I see you do trading cards, would you consider doing an exchange with you students and my students this next school year?
Nic Hahn
Hey cool! Glad you liked my ideas. I regularly read all kinds of art teacher blogs, so I thought I would start my own and share some ideas.. get connected, you know? I teach K-6. That would be cool to “be quoted”, link to me if you can, that way, maybe I can meet some more people. I have done ATCs with kids before. I could do them again as an exchange. Maybe we could pick a theme or something?
Love it! I am doing a trade with Japan (5th grade) and maybe Australia (2nd grade). Maybe we can do a mid west trade with on of the other grades. I'm doing a them of America with the other two. Maybe a self portrait of some kind… I'm game for what ever. I will totally link you if I blog about an idea you inspired me. I always do! I'm excited about the possible trade! email me with questions. Nicholechahn@yahoo.com
My preschoolers are usually a bit young to figure out weaving but occasionally we give it a try. This looks so pretty with scrapbook papers! I might do some myself. 🙂
Its a piece of art! Beautiful!