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Create a “Create” Banner

I’ve been busy this school year, but proud of myself that I feel like I’m keeping on top of things.  It is so easy to feel like you are drowning in artwork, messes and things on your to-do list.  Am I the only one sometimes that feels like I am swimming in a sea of student artwork trying to figure out what’s what, what’s finished and what still needs to be done?

I wanted to share with you a fun “Create” banner that my students worked on at the beginning of the year.  I got this idea from one of my former classmates, Melissa Carl Deckinga, who I went to elementary/high school with and she is also an art teacher! She used the coloring as a school community builder during the first art classes at her new school.  I decided to make a similar one and have my students who finished a project early go over and work on it if they chose.  We used black Sax VersaTemp paint to outline the designs and then regular crayons, Kwik Stix Solid Tempera Paint, and Crayola Construction Paper Crayonsto color in the designs.

A colorful mural with the word "CREATE" surrounded by various vibrant doodles, patterns, and abstract designs, showcasing an inspiring create design.

We had parent-teacher conferences last night and I have been working with our music teachers and middle school art teacher to begin the preliminary planning for our first ever Fine Arts night later this year.  We are also having a little art show at the public library.  I got news this week that another one of my articles will be published in the December issue of Arts & Activities, so that is exciting!  I think that is my only article currently that is out in the world awaiting publication or rejection.  After this one, I think it will be several months before I attempt another article, because I am busy creating a new Art History prompt product.

An image of an "Art History Sketchbook Prompts" book cover with examples of surrealist and impressionist art pieces.

I am working on putting together the 4th set of prompts, with new artworks and ideas!   Currently, I have three sets of traditional Art History Sketchbook Prompts, which can be purchased individually or as a set of 3 in my shop.  I also have a Multicultural Art History Sketchbook Prompt set.  They have been very popular and I have gotten lots of positive feedback about how people are using them in their classroom or for homeschool studies. Students like these, because they are short bite- size intros to art appreciation and the art making prompts given are very open-ended.  I lay out the cards and the students can select one that appeals to them.

How is school going for you this year?  Are you keeping up on things?

Have you made a big banner with students?  Share in the comments!

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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

3 Responses to Create a “Create” Banner

  1. Hi, Marcia……I hope you don’t mind. I put a link to your beautiful banner post over on my blog for art bulletin boards. http://bulletinboardstoremember.blogspot.com/2016/11/create-banner.html

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  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.