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Zen Painting Workshop

Zen Painting Workshop

I went to a really fun painting workshop last summer for a weekend which I never shared on my blog…. until now!  The workshop is called Zen Painting and it was taught by Jodi Ohl.  I have been following Jodi Ohl’s blog for many years.  When I was looking for some hands-on professional development for the soul, I noticed she was teaching at Shake Rag Alley, which is only 45 minutes away from my house.  My co-worker Martha, who teaches … Read more…

21 Secrets Online Workshop and a Link Round-Up

21 Secrets Online Workshop and a Link Round-Up

As art teachers our hands are covered in glue and paint all day.  We are on the go and juggling so many different tasks. We definitely need our own creative outlet.  We need time for ourselves… to play, to relax, to express ourselves.  Keeping an art journal is a great way to de-stress. I am taking the 21 Secrets online workshop.  Obviously, with a limited amount of free time along with a limited amount of disposable income, I have always … Read more…

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