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Washi Tape Art Creations

Washi Tape Art Creations

Washi tape is so much fun to use!  You can pick up decorative tape at office supply stores, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby or other craft stores.  I also have bought washi tape online from various places.  Amazon has a lot of designs. The concept is simple.  Peel off the tape, stick to paper and color in the sections!  Here is my description statement we glued on the back: Students made colorful designs with tape as a short exploration in color and … Read more…

Cylinder Sculptures for Kids

Cylinder Sculptures for Kids

I saw this post by the Art Bar Blog which gave me the idea to make these cylinder sculptures with my 1st graders.  We started with toilet paper tubes and paper rectangles rolled into tubes.  The best way to adhere these is to pour out some liquid glue onto a paper plate, then stick the ends of the tubes into the glue. We also used washi tape, colorful straws, pipe cleaners and pom-poms for added interest and texture.

Patterned Tape and Wood Scrap Sculptures

Colorful abstract art pieces featuring various patterns and textures. Rolls, rectangles, and geometric shapes are displayed alongside elements like wood scrap.

What can you make with patterned tape and wood scraps? This is an open-ended project that is sure to delight your kids.  For some reason, colorful patterned tape is very appealing to kids (and many adults.) Materials used: The students selected pieces of wood and then wrapped the blocks in colorful tape.  These pieces were taped or glued to a piece of mat board. The kids enjoyed making their sculptures.  They mixed and matched tape patterns and colors.  Blocks were … Read more…

Tape and Paint Pictures

Tape and Paint Pictures

I came up with this lesson after browsing the internet looking for contemporary artists to study.  I came across Fiona Curran’s‘s beautiful paintings with straight lines and geometric shapes.  Here are some of her artworks: At the end of the year, my students were losing focus and were ready for summer to begin!  I wanted a fun lesson that would involve experimentation and play.  I love using colored and patterned tape so I showed the second grade students how you … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.