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Annual Art Re-Swap

Black and white photos of people of various ages are arranged with a colorful beaded necklace on a white background.

Today I am going to show you some fun pictures of super cool art teacher finds that I picked up at an Art Re-Swap.  My city has an art supply swap at least once a year and it is probably one of my favorite events of the year!  How it works is people bring in old supplies and “stuff” that can be used in art projects.  Then, you can take anything you want from the piles of stuff other people … Read more…

Artist Trading Card Swap Received

A collection of colorful, small Artist Trading Cards arranged on a white background, showcasing various designs and styles.

We have received our artist trading cards from Mini Matisse‘s MEGA HUGE ATC SWAP! My students were very excited to receive their cards.  I divided the cards up into bags for each class and then the kids randomly chose numbers to pick their order.  Then, they were able to come up to the front and make their selection.  They were very pleased to find out where the card came from!  Here are the cards that were mailed to us from … Read more…

Free Art Videos to a Good Home & Re-Art Swap!!!

Three educational art DVDs: "Dropping in on Matisse," "Principles of Design," and "Getting to Know Color in Art."

Three free VCR tapes to a good home!  Just leave a comment.  First come, first serve.  Only in the US please. What is the story behind these videos?  Well, this weekend I volunteered at one of my favorite events of the year… the Re-Art Swap at Absolutely Art, a local art gallery.  You bring in bags of old art supplies that you don’t use and can pick from piles of stuff that other people bring in… all for free!  It’s … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.