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Kid’s Gift Guide: Make an Art Kit for a Holiday Gift!

Kid’s Gift Guide:  Make an Art Kit for a Holiday Gift!

As an art teacher, I’d like to encourage you to give gifts that inspire creativity in children.  Instead of more plastic trinkets, stuffed animals or electronics, how about something that will get your kids building and creating?  An art kit is always a great idea. Things to include in an art kit: 1.  Paper such as the Strathmore Visual Journal or a watercolor pad. I love this watercolor paper from Target. 2. Neon Gel Crayons:  I love the smooth feeling … Read more…

5 Fabulous Things an Art Teacher is Loving Right Now

The image has text "5 Fabulous Things I am loving right now" with a vibrant background featuring stars and paint strokes.

Before I start with 5 Fabulous Things let me just tell you how jealous I am of any of you who went to Texas this week for the National Art Education Association conference.  I love love love going to these conferences.  Unfortunately it’s not possible for me to go every year, but I’m living vicariously through blog posts and facebook posts of other art teachers… like Mr. E  and the Art of Ed. 5 Fabulous Things– a round up of … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.