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Free Coloring Page: Growth Mindset

Colorful hand-drawn illustration with the text "Dreams don't work unless you do," incorporating various geometric shapes and patterns. This piece promotes a growth mindset and is also a free coloring page for added creativity.

I have been having fun this summer making coloring pages! These coloring pages have been very popular in my shop: Emoji Coloring Pages 5 pages Growth Mindset Coloring Pages Set #1 10 pages Growth Mindset Coloring Pages Set #2:  The Art Class Edition 15 pages Growth Mindset Coloring Pages Set #3 11 pages I have two free coloring sheets for you that did not end up in the coloring sheet packages in my shop. Click HERE for two free coloring sheets. For high … Read more…

Inspirational Quotes into Artworks

Fourth and fifth graders' handwritten quotes are transformed into inspiring artworks, displayed on a purple background.

At the end of last year my students created some inspirational quote artworks using artistic lettering and their choice of media.   I typed up a list of inspirational quotes (below) for them to choose from.  Many of the students had their own ideas and wanted to use a quote they already knew and liked. I saved the artwork for the beginning of this year so that we would have some artwork with inspirational sayings on them for the start of … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.