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Art Room Organization

Art Room Organization

I love organizing things, especially art materials.  It makes it easier to find things you need when your room is organized!  I am always revamping my organizational systems and I feel like my room now is arranged pretty well for my needs.  I am sure I will find some things that need tweaking over the next few years. On each table I have a plastic drawer set labeled with pencils & eraser, glue sticks & scissors, and markers.  On the … Read more…

How to Organize Ribbon for Kids

A plastic bin filled with various spools of colorful ribbons and bows, along with a pair of scissors on the side, makes for excellent kids' craft organization.

Don’t you just hate when your ribbons get into a big tangly mess?  If I ever let a class of kids loose in a box of ribbon, this is what happens: I figured out a way to store ribbon for kids to use without making a tangled mess. First, cut your ribbon into about 2 feet length pieces.  Smaller scraps are ok too.  Get a big plastic see-through jar to hold them in.  I used this old Cheez Puff container.  … Read more…

Construction on the Art Room

Construction on the Art Room

Our school is building an addition!  The addition will double the physical size of our school.  Included are several more classrooms, a teacher’s workroom, a performing arts center, multi-purpose room and AN EXTRA ART ROOM. Over winter break, the construction crew knocked out our paper storage closet and our kiln closet to make a connecting hallway.   Don’t worry though, after construction is done, we will have a new walk-in storage closet in between the old art room and the … Read more…

Self-Pinning and Other Pinterest Talk

Self-Pinning and Other Pinterest Talk

I enjoy using Pinterest.  It is a great tool for getting ideas for lesson plans and for random fun ideas for my own personal life.  Do you use Pinterest?  What are the pitfalls of Pinterest?  In this blog post, first I will talk about where I got this idea for a blog post (self-pinning) and then I will talk about some of the reasons I like Pinterest and then some pitfalls of Pinterest. Self-Pinning:  the act of pinning something you … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.