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What is an Art-O-Mat? and Pictures from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Person examining an Art-o-mat, a retro vending machine at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, repurposed to dispense small pieces of art.

Remember I told you about Cindy Ingram’s Art Class Curator workshops? She’s hosting the Curated Connections Workshop a FREE online training, starting August 8th. She’s sharing some of her favorite tips and techniques. This reminded me of the National Art Ed Conference this year, when Cindy, Phyl, Misty Bear and I went to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts one afternoon. I have been meaning to write all kinds of blog posts in our break from school, but wow, this … Read more…

Some of My Favorite Presentations from NAEA 2016

Image of the Dalai Lama with quotes on kindness and compassion, accompanied by a message on teaching with empathy.

In my last post, I wrote an overall recap of the National Art Education Association conference.  I also gave a summary of the artist Jesse Reno’s speech.  In another post, I put together a little art history quiz of artworks from the Art Institute of Chicago. Today I am going to share with you some highlights from a few of the presentations.  If you would like to see all of the handouts from the presentations that were uploaded, they are … Read more…

NAEA Convention Recap Part 1

Art supplies arranged around a framed painting with text "NAEA Convention 2016" at the bottom.

  Hi, artsy friends!  It’s taken awhile for me to gather all my pictures and information from the National Art Education Association conference and compile them into a recap.  At my school, if you go to a conference, you present something about your experience at one of our weekly staff meetings.  So I am “killing two birds with one stone”.  If you have never been to an art conference, it is really fun! There are many, many sessions to choose … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.