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Painted Rocks with Magazine Cut Outs

Three painted rocks with positive messages: "DISCOVER," "make," and "BRAVE." The colorful rocks are decorated with magazine cut outs, adding a unique touch.

At the end of the school year, my students had fun painting rocks and using magazine words to decorate them. We used acrylic paints to paint the rocks. Then, we used Mod Podge to glue down the words and seal them. The metallic paint was from Target’s little acrylic paint jars.  I have some printable magazine word cut outs in my shop for easy use.  Just print, cut out and go!  These are perfect for collages, art journals and “About … Read more…

Published Article in Arts & Activities Magazine

Published Article in Arts & Activities Magazine

I have a new article in Arts & Activities magazine this month!  I am very excited.  I encourage you to submit articles to magazines if you have ideas you’d like to share.  It is very rewarding to see your words in print!  Arts & Activities and School Arts magazines are always looking for new articles. You can read the full article here: http://pubdev.ipaperus.com/ArtsandActivities/AADecember2016/?page=16

Article in Arts & Activities Magazine

Magazine open to an article titled "Anthropomorphic Animal Collages" in Arts & Activities Magazine, featuring colorful animal artwork and text.

I’m pretty excited my article in the October issue of Arts & Activities is on the cover! I wrote about an art project my students did after learning about the artist William Wegman. I had the awesome opportunity to interview Wegman on the phone and include the interview as a large part of the article. I’m very glad that they included a bunch of my students’ artwork (3rd grade). You can read the whole article here: http://pubdev.ipaperus.com/ArtsandActivities/AAOctober2016/?page=20 If you would … Read more…

Cloth Paper Scissors article

Cover of Pages magazine featuring art journals, a red crab painting, and an article about creative book and art journaling projects.

I am honored to have an article published in the Summer 2013 edition of Cloth Paper Scissors PAGES magazine.  It is on the newsstands now.  The digital version is available here. I wrote about my watercolor doodles and showed how to photocopy the paintings, cut them up and use them in art journal pages.   I have a lot of these types of paintings on my blog, like here, here, and this page using the watercolor doodles. Cloth Paper Scissors does … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.