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Paper Hats with 2nd Graders

Making Paper Hats with 2nd graders

This is just a quick post to share with you a simple and fun project for the end of the year.. paper hats!  The kids started with a long strip of construction paper, drew designs on their hats with construction paper crayons, punched out shapes and added fun paper extensions from the scrap box.  The strip was placed around their head and stapled by me. We got more use out of our paper sculpture techniques poster (below).  Easy.  Fun.  Practice … Read more…

Easter Bonnet Craft

A decorated Easter bonnet with ribbons, pink flowers, eggs, and a stuffed bunny on top. Text reads "Easter Hats.

Every year my sister-in-law hosts an Easter bonnet party.  All of the guest come with Easter bonnets that were homemade and there is a contest for the wildest or most artistic hat.  The crazier, the better! This would be fun to do for other holidays.  Maybe you could create a 4th of July hat or a Christmas hat! Start with a base hat.  The pink hat we bought from Target and my hat we bought from Michael’s craft store. Tie … Read more…

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