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Two Places to Get Free or Cheap Materials

A young boy stands outside holding a large red crayon. He is wearing a blue shirt with cartoon faces on it.

Hi! I know I haven’t written in awhile. I hope you are doing well and had a great school year. It’s been a challenging time and I haven’t made blogging a priority. I’m still here though and making art! Now that summer is here I have a bit more free time, so maybe I’ll catch up on sharing some things with you. I wanted to share with you a couple places to get free or cheap materials– but you have … Read more…

Around here lately… Stress and GARAGE SALES!

Around here lately… Stress and GARAGE SALES!

School Lockdown and an ER visit It’s been a crazy week!  First, we had a school lockdown last Thursday because the FBI was trying to catch a fugitive in our area. Initially we spent 10 minutes on hard lockdown and I had my class in the closets.  Then, we moved to a “soft lockdown” and were allowed to switch classes.  Kids were escorted to use the bathroom.  The kids were upset and it was difficult to continue class as normal. … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.