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Watercolor Circles- Expressive Faces or Flower Doodles

Watercolor Circles- Expressive Faces or Flower Doodles

I haven’t posted much lately because I’ve been focusing on other things– I’m in charge of the cookies for our Girl Scout cookie sales and that is like a part-time job! Also, I’ve been getting ready for my presentation at NAEA. If you are going to the NAEA conference, let me know.. I would love to meet up with new people! I have a lot of fun art journaling exercises prepared, including this one- using watercolor circles as a launching … Read more…

Pinteresting Art Ideas!

Pinteresting Art Ideas!

It’s no secret art teachers love Pinterest.  In this new blog series, I will round up some of my favorite Pinspiration for art teachers.  If you’d like to see all of my Pins, follow me on Pinterest.  It’s a great way to plan projects, find handouts and ideas!  If you have other ideas that fit this theme, add them in the comment section. I was inspired to pick the theme of FACES for this blog post, because I came across … Read more…

Clay Face Mugs- 3rd grade

A hand-crafted Clay Face Mug featuring bulging eyes, a red nose, and a wide orange mouth.

Making clay mugs with 3rd graders.. This is a great lesson that can be adaptable to pretty much any age.  I’ve taught this project with middle school students and had very successful results.  This is the youngest I’ve taught the clay face vase project and I think they did a very good job! Clay techniques used: rolling slabs and using a straight edge to cut a clay rectangle tracing a cutting a clay circle for the base forming facial features … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.