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Matching Mittens Art Project with Free Templates

Colorful paper mittens with patterns like spirals, hearts, and stars create a charming match on the blue background adorned with paper snowflakes—a delightful matching mittens art project.

Matching Mittens Art Project This is a fun winter art project that allows students to use their creativity to make matching mittens, exploring symmetry and balance! I have been doing this art project for years and years and I keep returning to it every year because I think it’s great for fine motor skills and spatial awareness. It also strengthens their attention to detail as they work to make both mittens match perfectly. I’m not sure where I originally learned … Read more…

Easy Printable Art Sub Plan for Elementary: A Balancing Act

The lesson plan, "A Balancing Act," is perfect for elementary students, featuring goals, steps, and an illustrative sub plan. It showcases a balanced stack of colorful objects, including animals and household items—an engaging way to explore art and balance through printable resources.

This is a sub plan that is perfect for upper elementary. If you wake up sick one day, it’s a good idea to have prepared sub plans that are easy for any teacher to follow (even if they don’t have an art background). This is a simple, one page art handout with goals, steps and an example. I saw this idea on a Facebook group many years ago and created this handout to share with other teachers. This drawing activity uses … Read more…

Test Driving Some New Art Materials!

A selection of art materials, including new markers, watercolor crayons, gel pens, and metallic outline markers, awaits on a table for some creative test driving.

One of my favorite hobbies is discovering and finding new art supplies. Watch as I test out some fun, new (to me) art materials. I’m not sure how new they are, but they were all exciting finds for me. As an Amazon influencer I receive a small commission through links on this blog (at no extra cost to you.) The earnings go to support the upkeep of this website. I am completely honest in my reviews and won’t tell you … Read more…

Free Art Sub Plan: Primary Color Hands

The "Primary Color Hands" art lesson for grades K-2 offers a creative activity ideal as a free art sub plan. Goals include using primary colors to create unique patterns and enhance tracing skills. Students trace their hands and design vivid patterns, resulting in colorful hand designs.

This is an art project perfect for a kindergarten to 2nd grade substitute lesson plan. When you have to take a sick day, you never know if your sub is going to have an art background or not. This is a simple, one page art handout with goals, steps and an example. In order to print out the full, high resolution handouts, visit my TPT shop for the FREE download! This was a lesson idea a former colleague shared with … Read more…

Art Sub Plan- Free! Geometric Shaded Animals

Illustration of a black and white shaded animal with geometric patterns and instructions for shading. It includes steps for choosing, drawing, and using pencil within shapes, along with defined goals and value scale—an ideal art sub plan.

This is an art project perfect for a substitute lesson plan. When you have to take a sick day, you never know if your sub is going to have an art background or not. This is a simple, one page art handout with goals, steps and an example. The second page has a value scale to practice shading on. In order to print out the full, high resolution handouts, visit my TPT shop for the FREE download! This was actually … Read more…

Abstract Art Project: Mixed Media Explorations

Colorful poster titled "Mixed Media Explorations" showcases an art project with two illustrated worksheets, featuring diverse art materials and a captivating piece of abstract art.

This is a fun art project I like to use to get students exploring different types of materials at the beginning of the year. It’s also a low-pressure way to introduce mixed media and abstract art. Set up the room by placing a wide variety of art materials in a centrally located place in your room. The way this works is that you start by drawing an abstract design on your paper using a variety of shapes and lines to … Read more…

Art Sub Plan for Elementary Students- Animals in Cars!

Illustrated animals in cars shaped like food items provide the perfect creative art assignment for elementary students, including detailed drawing guidelines ideal for an engaging art sub plan.

Hello! I have been working on a series of “print and go” substitute teaching plans for elementary art class. These will be set up with goals and steps clearly written for a sub. You can print off these handouts for the students, gather supplies and have things all set to go in case you have an emergency illness and need to stay home. Some I will be offering for free on my blog and others will be in my shop. … Read more…

Character Creation Workshop with Tracy Subisak: A Fun and Creative Experience

A child with dark hair and a blue snail face each other with the text "Sorry, Snail" above them.

Our school had an amazing visit from Tracy Subisak, a Taiwanese-American author and illustrator known for her children’s books. She shared her creative process, read “Sorry, Snail,” and demonstrated character creation techniques. Students then created their own characters. I got a signed copy for my collection. Have you hosted an author visit before? Read more…

Drawing Activities with Lynda Barry

A drawing of a smiling monkey holding a heart that says "I'm so glad you're here!" with numerous hearts surrounding it on a whiteboard.

In April, I had the pleasure of attending the National Art Education Association conference in Minneapolis. I was really excited because Lynda Barry was going to be one of the keynote speakers. I have been a fan of her work for many years. Lynda is a comic/graphic novel artist, author and teacher and is known for her quirky, autobiographical work. Her raw and expressive comics encourage readers to explore their own creativity through writing and drawing. She has taught creative … Read more…

Grid Name Design for Back to School

A colorful drawing composed of repeated text spelling "MARCIA" in various alternating colors and patterns within a grid layout on white paper, creating an eye-catching grid name design perfect for back to school.

Are you looking for an easy back to school project for your students? Here is a name design that I have taught in the past. This will be easy for you to do, with very little prep. My own kiddo did this project in their 2nd grade class and that is where I got the idea. It is so simple yet makes cool results. All you need to do is print out the grid paper and maybe make an example … Read more…

Back to School Tips and Projects for the Art Teacher

Back to School! Tips and Projects for Art Class" text with colorful pencils and paper boats on a black background.

Hi friends! Many schools are already going back for the new school year and I thought I would round up some previous posts you may have missed from years ago that may help you come up with some ways to start your school year off right! The first section contains links and pictures from my blog. The second section contains blog posts from some of my art teacher friends! Tips and Projects for Back to School from Art is Basic … Read more…

Frida Kahlo and her Animalitos Art Project

Frida Kahlo and her Animalitos Art Project

This year during Latinx Heritage Month (September 15-October 15) I will be teaching my 3rd graders about Frida Kahlo and her many pets. It is a good reminder to teach about diverse artists throughout the year and throughout your curriculum. Frida Kahlo’s had many pets including macaws, parakeets, a parrot, sparrows, a cat, a fawn, monkeys, an eagle, and hairless dogs with ancient Aztec lineage. Many of her self-portraits feature herself with animals.  The animals are like children to her, … Read more…

Distance Art Lesson: Shapes with Repeating Lines

Abstract artwork featuring a red triangle, blue square, and purple circle with layered, multicolored striped patterns and repeating lines.

We are still fully virtual over here! I feel like I have been getting into a groove and things are going pretty well. Here is a lesson I did for kindergarten and first grade. Repetition in art means to repeat something again and again. If you have been making distance learning art lessons and have shared them on a website, please comment below! I am always looking for new ideas.

Nature Journaling- Distance Learning Activities

Nature Journaling- Distance Learning Activities

Like most of you, our in-person classes have been changed to distance learning and we need to come up with challenges and projects the kids can do on their own at home. The first week I had my students create stuffed animal still lifes or still lifes with objects that were meaningful to them (depending on the grade level). The following week we made found object color wheels, like this one below. This week it is all about going outside … Read more…

Mr. Doodle Inspired Doodling Pictures

A colorful, abstract drawing of a unicorn with a rainbow mane and hearts in the background, inspired by Mr. Doodle’s whimsical style.

My 4th/5th graders learned about the artist Mr. Doodle and watched several videos of him doodling. You can see his artwork on his Facebook page. We talked about emphasis and the focal point and how to make the main image the largest. All of the supporting doodles would be smaller and surrounding the image. Take a look at some of the doodle art my 4th/5th grade students made after being inspired by the work of Mr. Doodle.

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.