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Fun Art Supplies for Kids with Art Projects to Try!

Nine colorful Super Bright paint markers are lined up, perfect for kids and budding artists. The top of the image features the text, "Art Supplies to Try with sample projects," decorated with rainbows.

I wanted to share a few awesome art supplies for kids that I either recently discovered or just really love. I’m always on the lookout to spice things up in the art room. I know some budgets are tight, but you can always buy one set for a whole table and then the kids can share them. I used to think I needed many sets of everything, but honestly sharing, manners and taking turns are very good skills to practice. … Read more…

Two Places to Get Free or Cheap Materials

A young boy stands outside holding a large red crayon. He is wearing a blue shirt with cartoon faces on it.

Hi! I know I haven’t written in awhile. I hope you are doing well and had a great school year. It’s been a challenging time and I haven’t made blogging a priority. I’m still here though and making art! Now that summer is here I have a bit more free time, so maybe I’ll catch up on sharing some things with you. I wanted to share with you a couple places to get free or cheap materials– but you have … Read more…

My Favorite Art Journaling Supplies

My Favorite Art Journaling Supplies

I thought I would share with you some of my favorite art journaling supplies. These are supplies I use for my own personal art journaling, not with my students. Many are higher quality (more expensive) for more advanced artists (like you!). First you will need an art journal. I prefer to use a book with thick, sturdy pages because I like to use a lot of paint and collage in my art journal. Here is a great book from Strathmore … Read more…

Best Art Materials for the Elementary Art Classroom

Art supplies arranged around a sign that reads 'Best Art Materials,' with 'Art Ed Blogger's Network' logo above.

We all have our favorite art supplies.  What are your MUST-HAVE art supplies for an elementary art classroom?  Here are some of my favorites!  (Amazon Affiliate links have been used in this post at no extra cost to you.) Kwik Stix.  Oh, how I love these paint sticks! They go on smoother than oil pastels, they have such bright, vibrant colors and they are so easy to use with low mess!  They come in metallic, regular and neon. On this … Read more…

Art Gift Ideas for a Child

A colorful art set with text "Art Gift Ideas for Your Young Artist" surrounded by paint, ribbons, beads, and flowers.

The holidays are quickly approaching!  While you are thinking about the kids in your life, consider picking up some creative gifts.  Please don’t buy those cheap art supply kits with a lot of different cheap crayons, markers and colored pencils.  Spending a little more money will allow the child to experience quality art supplies and they will last longer.  Here are some of my favorites. 1.  Watercolor Paints- Splurge on a better quality set than Rose Art.  The child will … Read more…

Annual Art Re-Swap

Black and white photos of people of various ages are arranged with a colorful beaded necklace on a white background.

Today I am going to show you some fun pictures of super cool art teacher finds that I picked up at an Art Re-Swap.  My city has an art supply swap at least once a year and it is probably one of my favorite events of the year!  How it works is people bring in old supplies and “stuff” that can be used in art projects.  Then, you can take anything you want from the piles of stuff other people … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.