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Perler Beads- Mario and Among Us

Perler Beads- Mario and Among Us

My 1st grade son has been really on a Perler bead kick lately. He made all of these designs this week. Here is a beginner’s guide to Perler (or fuse) beads. I thought this might be something my readers would be interested in learning about as a gift idea for a young child in their life. My son looked at some examples on the internet for Mario designs and then made them by looking at the pictures. These are from … Read more…

Shape Collage

Colorful abstract shapes, including crescents, stars, and organic forms in orange, red, pink, and yellow on a light background, create an enchanting shape collage.

Last blog post, I showed how to make different types of painted papers with watercolor paints. We are still doing distance learning, so my students did this lesson at home. These are the slides that I used to show them how to make a shape collage. Shape is an element of art. I like to show a lot of examples from different artists, contemporary and modern.

Nature Journaling- Distance Learning Activities

Nature Journaling- Distance Learning Activities

Like most of you, our in-person classes have been changed to distance learning and we need to come up with challenges and projects the kids can do on their own at home. The first week I had my students create stuffed animal still lifes or still lifes with objects that were meaningful to them (depending on the grade level). The following week we made found object color wheels, like this one below. This week it is all about going outside … Read more…

Create a Summer Art Journal

Colorful Art Journal pages with butterflies and flowers. Text: "Awaken in your own time," "Summer takes flight,"

Isn’t this graphic the cutest?!  I am part of an Art Ed Blogger’s Network which is a collective of writers who blog about a certain topic each month.  At the bottom of the post is a link to all the participating bloggers.  The theme this month is about Summer Art. What is an Art Journal? An art journal is a visual diary… it is place for artists to express themselves using imagery, words, colors, patterns and designs.  An art journal … Read more…

My 3 Top Tips to Increase Student Engagement in Art

Various art supplies with "Art Ed Blogger’s Network: Top Tips for Student Engagement" text on a wooden background.

This month the Art Ed Blogger’s Network is talking about student engagement and participation.  When I tell people that I am an art teacher, some people who say ”Wow, that must be so much fun! I bet the kids all just love art.” Well, there are fun times, but there are times when not everyone is engaged in the media or project we are working on.  I’m sure this happens in all classrooms. Sometimes it is due to lack of alignment … Read more…

The Best Thing I Did to Start My School Year

Colorful "ARTSY" banner with letters on pencil-shaped flags against a red background with a vibrant chevron border.

Hi!  Welcome back to another artsy school year! I had a brilliant breakthrough this summer while reading Facebook Art Teacher groups online.  Someone had created a video about their rules and procedures for their art room.  I saw that and I thought that I DEFINITELY needed to do that! As a K-4/5 art teacher (I no longer teach the 5th/6th graders.. that grade level went to our new art teacher), I see a lot of classes.  But, I still probably … Read more…

Watercolor Flower Doodles– Easy & Fun!

Colorful, hand-drawn flowers in various shapes, sizes, and patterns on a white background, enhanced with delicate watercolor accents.

I hope you are having a good summer.  I have spent some time doodling with watercolors, my favorite artsy thing to do.  Today I am going to show you how I transform puddles of watercolor to flower doodles.  Here is an example of a finished watercolor flower doodle. This step-by-step is fun, summery art project for you or your kids to try.  I like to share what is fun and exciting for me, because maybe you will take something from … Read more…

A World of Your Own: Creativity Drawings

Children's book "A World of Your Own" features two creative drawings.

I have a fun creativity drawing project and excellent children’s book to share with you today. I came across this book called A World of Your Own by Laura Carlin and thought it looked intriguing, so I ordered it. I love the illustrations in the book and the story encourages children to think of how they would imagine a world of their own. On a day when I was out sick, I left this book for the substitute teacher to … Read more…

Large Group Weaving on a Garden Fence

A fabric weaving activity displayed on a pink bulletin board with a decorative border.

Thank you to all who voted for my blog in the AOE Blog of the Year contest.  While I did not win, I am still happy to have been a finalist.  Congrats to all of the bloggers in the contest! Today I am going to show you a super fun project that my students worked on this week. This summer we planted a garden.  My husband diligently set up a plastic fence to keep out the rabbits.  We watered it … Read more…

Artist Trading Card Swap Received

A collection of colorful, small Artist Trading Cards arranged on a white background, showcasing various designs and styles.

We have received our artist trading cards from Mini Matisse‘s MEGA HUGE ATC SWAP! My students were very excited to receive their cards.  I divided the cards up into bags for each class and then the kids randomly chose numbers to pick their order.  Then, they were able to come up to the front and make their selection.  They were very pleased to find out where the card came from!  Here are the cards that were mailed to us from … Read more…

Halloween Art Ideas

Halloween Art Ideas

Halloween is almost here!  We’ve been having fun with a variety of Halloween art projects.  Kindergartners made collage pumpkins with a variety of tactile materials like feathers, yarn and foam shapes. First graders made texture rubbing pumpkin pictures and traced leaves from construction paper.  Second graders made pumpkin patch pictures with water soluble crayons, paints and Sharpies. Happy Halloween!

Rubber Ducky Art Project for Kids

A grid of 16 colorful and creatively decorated duck drawings, each uniquely themed and detailed, making it an amusing art project for kids.

While vacationing in Michigan this summer, I came across some really cool public sculptures of different themed ducks.  You can see pictures of these sculptures on this previous blog post. At the beginning of the school year, I showed my students lots of examples of these public sculptures and we talked about how one of these public art exhibitions works. City of St. Joseph Public ART St. Joseph Ducks Facebook Page Then, they used a simple duck template and transformed … Read more…

Summer Art Challenge Display

A colorful bulletin board displays various kids' artworks, including paintings, crafts, and paper cutouts created during a summer art challenge.

At the end of the year last school year, I passed out Summer Art Challenge sheets.  Each of the students who participated received a certificate and a prize or two or three depending on how much of the challenge they completed.  Visit this past blog post to read about the challenge activities. Here is the certificate I passed out.  I blocked off my name and the school name/year, so you can use this award sheet and just add your name … Read more…

An Interview with Margaret Peot, author of Stencil Craft

Cover of the "Stencil Craft Book" by Margaret Peot, showcasing stenciled art on a flower, leaf, mask, whale, and a grid-patterned box.

Today I have the pleasure of sharing with you an interview with Margaret Peot, author of the new book Stencil Craft. Earlier this week I wrote a book review, with the chance to win copies of this book (there is still time to enter).  You can see that blog post here:  Stencil Craft Book Review and Giveaway. Since I am an elementary art teacher, Margaret is also going to share a fun project to do with little children. 1. What … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.