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A Visit to EPIC– Part 2

Indoor metal slide with a curved design, emptying onto a dark carpet in a building interior with hallways visible. Visit this unique attraction and experience the fun!

Earlier this week, I toured a medical software company with some 7th graders at our school.  The hallways are decorated very artistically and contain many works of sculpture and paintings.   For part one of my visit to EPIC, go here! I LOVED this one! A unique sculpture made of computer parts.  Kind of reminds me of Louise Nevelson. Fabric art on the wall This was a celestial hallway.  Yes, this is in the office building! Also in the hallway… … Read more…

A visit to EPIC– Part One

Interior of a light rail train with red seats. A person is sitting and reading, while another stands near the exit.

This week, I went on a field trip with some 7th graders at our school.  We toured the EPIC company which makes medical software for hospitals and clinics.  The company has three different locations in the Madison, WI area.  The campus we visited had about 13 different buildings.  Each building has a decorative theme.  There was TONS of artwork from local artists around the buildings.  It was amazing!  There was so much to take pictures of, that I only took … Read more…

Arctic Animals

A child's print of a fox on blue paper with "Daisy" written at the bottom in pink, surrounded by playful Arctic animals.

The 1st graders studied the Arctic in their Language Arts/Social Studies class.  In Art class, they chose an animal from the Arctic to depict in a print.  They made impressions on styrofoam printing plates using regular pencils. Then, they inked the plates using a brayer and printing ink.  These lovely prints are the result! Tips:  Set up printing stations and watch a small group print at a time.  The other kids can work on a drawing while some are printing.  … Read more…

Top Art Ed blogs

I’m a finalist for one of the top Art Education blogs on Jessica’s website.  If you’ve enjoyed reading my blog, take a second and vote for me!   Also, be sure to check out all of the other blogs, as every single one of them are ones that I regularly read.  If you want to see some quality art teacher blogs… take a look at this list:theartofed.com/2012/01/15/finalists-announced-vote-for-art-ed-blog-of-the-year

Free Workshop from Strathmore

A colorful abstract painting on paper showcases various shapes and patterns in shades of pink, blue, and purple, featuring the word "think.

This is a repost from my personal blog! I’ve been having lots of fun with Traci Bautista’s online workshop at Strathmore.  Strathmore has a series of FREE online workshops with videos and pdfs.  If you haven’t heard about it, you should check it out!  The first session was about spraying with stencils, overpainting the stenciled images and adding details with markers.  Here are some of the pictures I am working on.  These still need marker doodles on top, although they … Read more…

Year in Review

Abstract art featuring a black letter "P," symbols, and vibrant blocks of blue, red, and yellow. Signed "Patrick" at the bottom.

It’s been a great year at Art is Basic.  We’ve made tons of colorful art and expanded our skills.  My blog now has over 300 followers, which is super cool and way more than I ever thought would look at this blog.  I’ve gotten tons of new ideas from Pinterest this year which I highly recommend if you haven’t checked it out yet.  Here is a year-end roundup of some of my most viewed blog posts. Art Teacher Blog DirectoryThis … Read more…

Accepting Sponsorships

Do you have an online business?  Are you conducting an online workshop and need more participants?  Do you sell your art on Etsy?  I decided I would like to accept sponsorships for my blog.  I would be happy to promote your website with a simple image link on the side of my blog.  I will also include a monthly spotlight section in a blog post where I will highlight you and your website.   I would especially be interested in … Read more…

Art Elements Review Part 2

Various colorful textured patterns and the word "texture" are painted on a white background, showcasing intriguing Art Elements.

In Part One of the Art Elements Review, we worked on Line, Shape, Color and Form.  This post will talk about Part Two, which is Value, Space and Texture. VALUE:  the kids illustrated a value scale with either crayon or pencil SPACE: This was shown through overlap, perspective, positive/negative space, filling the page, etc. TEXTURE: The kids used texture rubbing plates and crayons to show texture. All of these element exercises were on small pieces of paper and we taped … Read more…


A colorful abstract artwork featuring a face with numbers and curly lines for hair, plus glasses on a textured background.

Someone asked how to find my pins on Pinterest: Here they are!  http://pinterest.com/marciabeckett/ I pin lots of things from art teacher, artist and random blogs and online articles.  Here are some of my recent pins. Fun!  Fun!  Fun!!   Don’t you want to be part of this inspirational fun??  (and no I don’t work for Pinterest!)

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.