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Painted Rocks with Magazine Cut Outs

Three painted rocks with positive messages: "DISCOVER," "make," and "BRAVE." The colorful rocks are decorated with magazine cut outs, adding a unique touch.

At the end of the school year, my students had fun painting rocks and using magazine words to decorate them. We used acrylic paints to paint the rocks. Then, we used Mod Podge to glue down the words and seal them. The metallic paint was from Target’s little acrylic paint jars.  I have some printable magazine word cut outs in my shop for easy use.  Just print, cut out and go!  These are perfect for collages, art journals and “About … Read more…

Freebie! Draw Light Until You Know It’s Right POSTER

Illustrated sign saying "Draw LIGHT until you know it's right!" with a pencil graphic below. Get your free Light Drawing Poster today!

I have been teaching myself how to use Adobe Illustrator this summer so I can make some clip art to use.  I made a cute poster you could print out for your class.  I have seen this phrase on many posters online.  I made the pencil on Illustrator!  Ha Ha, I’m so proud of myself.  I’ve always used Photoshop to do everything, so Illustrator has been kind of a mystery to me. To download the high resolution PDF version, go to … Read more…

Free Printable: Faith Ringgold Inspired Quilt Template

A child's drawing of a family surrounded by a colorful mosaic frame, with a hand resting at the bottom, inspired by Faith Ringgold.

Hi!  I’m here today to share with you a meaningful art project for your younger students.  This would be good as as a “getting to know you” activity.  The following examples were all made by kindergartners near the end of the year, but I would think this lesson would be suitable for kids through grades 2. Many art teachers have taught about the artist Faith Ringgold and had their students create paper quilts.  I have a free printable for you … Read more…

New Award Certificates!

New Award Certificates!

I have new Award Certificates in my shop!  These are suitable for classroom teachers and art teachers.  They can be modified and used for a variety of reasons. I also have a set of Yearbook Cover award certificates.  I had a custom request to make certificates for winners of yearbook cover contest for a school.  I decided to include a modified version in my shop for other schools who may have an annual contest for yearbook cover designs. Finally, this is … Read more…

Designer Tree Houses

Designer treehouse with a small cat looking out of a window, rainbow scales, and a bubblegum pink background.

Hi!  One day when I was sick I left a sub lesson plan for my students to design their own tree houses.  I printed out examples of tree house drawings for inspiration, like these here and here.  There is also this resource by Art Sub Lessons which has many pictures of real tree houses for inspiration. I did not leave a lot of directions or specific requirements, but encouraged creative thinking and unusual designs. Here are some of our whimsical pictures.  I think … Read more…

Review of Old Tracks, New Tricks– Children’s Book about Trains

A book cover shows wooden train tracks and toy trains with faces, titled "Old Tracks, New Tricks," a delightful children's book by Jessica Petersen.

Get the whole free download here!  I have a fun book to share with you today.  Innovation Press sent me a free copy of Old Tracks, New Tricks to review. I selected to receive this book because it looked cute and I thought my 3 year old son would really like it even if it was too young for my classes.  I think this book would be most appropriate for Pre-K to grade 2. The book is adorable and so creative! … Read more…

Huge Sale on Art Teacher Resources

Colorful flyer highlighting a Cyber Monday sale offering up to 28% off on Art Teacher Resources. Don't miss out on this huge sale happening November 28-29!

Hi friends! Thank you all for your amazing support of my blog and my shop.  You have no idea what it means to me!  I love reading your comments on my blog posts. Like I mentioned earlier this week, I am part of the huge sale at Teachers Pay Teachers this MONDAY and TUESDAY– Nov. 28 and 29 ONLY.   Many sellers are participating and nearly all of my products are 20% (the only thing not included is the Growing Art … Read more…

New Art History Sketchbook Prompt Set!! Set #4

New Art History Sketchbook Prompt Set!!  Set #4

I have a brand new set of Art History Sketchbook Prompts to share with you! These cards are a great way for students to do some independent learning if they finish an art project early. This is set #4 of the Art History Sketchbook Prompts, with all NEW artists! These art history cards feature a selection of inspiring famous artworks with a prompt that can be used to spark drawing and writing.  Only $5!  The price reflects the increase in … Read more…

ABC Art Sketchbook for Kindergarten and 1st Grade: Plus one FREE DOWNLOAD

ABC Art Sketchbook for Kindergarten and 1st Grade:  Plus one FREE DOWNLOAD

New product alert!  I’ve been working on this fun and very educational printable booklet for Kindergarten and 1st Grade in art class. This printable booklet features the ABCs of art class. This book is perfect for Kindergartners and 1st graders. The booklet has a cover and 24 pages students can work on independently or as a class. This would be perfect for substitute lesson plans, centers or as a warm-up in class. The pages are rich with art concepts, some … Read more…

Free Symmetry Challenge Sheet

Free symmetry challenge sheet featuring half-drawn pictures of an owl, rabbit, frog, girl, pencil, and cat.

I have been working on making printable activity sheets to put into sketchbooks for my students.  My plan is to have them work on some of these for “bell ringers” or 5 minute warm-ups while they are waiting for the rest of their class to arrive (my students travel from class to class on their own and some trickle in minutes later than others… it’s a complicated scheduling story which I can explain if you are interested.)  The sketchbooks will … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.