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Do You Want More Art Teacher Resources?

Promotional image for a Cyber Monday sale featuring art supplies and essential art teacher resources around a sign. Text reads "Up to 25% off. Code: CYBER24.

Of course you do! And wouldn’t you like 25% off!?   On Monday and Tuesday you can get a full 25% off in my shop using coupon code CYBER24.  There are all kinds of fun and ready-to-print resources at my shop.   …. and much more! Check out lots of great art resources at TPT: https://www.teacherspayteacher… Winter Art Projects for Kids In this bundle, you will receive two popular winter art activities for elementary school- Snow Globes and Pop Art Snowman Drawing Lessons! … Read more…

Easy Printable Art Sub Plan for Elementary: A Balancing Act

The lesson plan, "A Balancing Act," is perfect for elementary students, featuring goals, steps, and an illustrative sub plan. It showcases a balanced stack of colorful objects, including animals and household items—an engaging way to explore art and balance through printable resources.

This is a sub plan that is perfect for upper elementary. If you wake up sick one day, it’s a good idea to have prepared sub plans that are easy for any teacher to follow (even if they don’t have an art background). This is a simple, one page art handout with goals, steps and an example. I saw this idea on a Facebook group many years ago and created this handout to share with other teachers. This drawing activity uses … Read more…

Printable Positive Adjectives

Various positive adjectives in colorful, diverse fonts, including strong, wise, happy, creative, calm, unique, and peaceful.

Hi! I have something new to share with you. I’ve been working on making these printable positive adjective sheets. They are 4 different pages of positive adjectives to describe a person. They are printed in a variety of fonts and colors. These would be fun to use with Vision Boards, self-portraits and All About Me projects. All you have to do is print these on to paper, cut out the adjectives you want and glue them to your artwork to … Read more…

All About Me Student Survey

A student survey titled "All About Me" with 20 personal questions, including hobbies, favorites, and future aspirations.

Hi all! I’ve been working on a few things for my classroom and I wanted to share with you one new resource that is available in my TPT shop. It is an All About Me Student Survey. This is an interest survey perfect for the first couple of days of school. As an art teacher, I will use these surveys for my students to generate ideas for an All About Me silhouette artwork. (Last year I did an all about … Read more…

3 Back to School Ideas

Colorful and creatively designed children's backpacks with various patterns and drawings, featuring rainbows, hearts, and unicorns. Ideal for back to school, these backpacks inspire imaginative ideas among young students.

During the first week of school, you want to be teaching routines and expectations for your art class. I always like to ease into the school year with some simple, yet creative projects to get to know my students. I am going to share with you three fun Back-to-School ideas that you can try in your art classroom. 1. Creative Backpack My students used the template created by Hey Art Mama to make these creative backpacks. (I do not receive … Read more…

New Products in Shop: Little Doodle Sketchbook & More!

New Products in Shop:  Little Doodle Sketchbook & More!

I have a few new products in my shop you may be interested in. First is the Little Doodle Sketchbook. Learn all about Inchies, Twinchies, Thrinchies, Artist Trading Cards and Artist Trading Coins in the Miniature Artwork Package!   Need a simple Artist Award?  I’ve got one!! Click here to check it out. Big Bundle of Growth Mindset Coloring Pages— fun for early finishers

Found Object Puppets

Two colorful cardboard face masks with yarn hair, painted features, and button decorations on sticks make charming found object puppets.

My 1st graders had a blast making these found object puppets from recycled materials.  We read this book by Hanoch Piven. To get the full lesson plan with materials list, parental note, background info and student reflection sheet visit my Teachers Pay Teachers shop to download.

Kindness Coloring Pages: Free Sample Page!

Kindness coloring pages cover with a coloring section featuring a turtle and the quote: 'Be kind to every kind, not just mankind.'

Coloring for kindness!!  Kindness and character education are important topics in the classroom. Unleash the therapeutic benefits of zen-coloring for mindfulness! These fun and unique coloring pages feature inspirational phrases, perfect for accompanying lessons on kindness or just for anytime!  Check out my TPT shop for these Kindness Coloring Pages. Coloring helps people of all ages to de-stress and spark creativity. It can be a way to meditate and focus on the moment. This set includes 10 KINDNESS- themed coloring … Read more…

Fashion Design Activities: New Product Alert!

Fashion Design Activities:  New Product Alert!

Have you ever wanted to introduce your students to clothing design, but had no idea where to start? This art packet has 27 pages of art activities and handouts to introduce your students to the art of clothing design using simple materials such as paper, markers, magazine pictures and watercolor paints. Here are the pages included in this packet: Pages included: 1. Cover 2. Design a Shirt with a Positive Message (long sleeves) 3. Design a Shirt with a Positive … Read more…

Heart Art Projects for Kids

Heart Art Projects for Kids

Now is the time to start planning for Valentine’s Day art projects.  I am going to share with you a few heart art projects I have taught in my school. First is the Map of My Heart. It is one of my favorites. I found the heart map idea in this book, Playful Learning.  Start by drawing a heart in pencil on your paper.  Think of all the things that you love or that are important to you.  What is … Read more…

Free Holiday Coloring Mandala

Free Holiday Coloring Mandala

While I never think coloring pages should be used in place of more in-depth art projects in art class, I know that you might work with kids in all different types of settings… whether it be an after school daycare, a church group, your own kids, indoor recess or a scout group.  Sometimes you just want a fun, calming, meditative option for kids to enjoy. Unleash the therapeutic benefits of coloring for mindfulness! Coloring helps people of all ages to … Read more…

How to Survive as a Firefly: Art Project

Free firefly art project featuring colorful designs and step-by-step drawing guides.

I was given the book How to Survive as a Firefly from Innovation Press to share with you on my blog.  This is a pretty cool book, with nice illustrations and good scientific information throughout the book.  I wrote a FREE art project tutorial with drawing guides, available at my TPT shop to accompany this book.  The directions are also here in this blog post, but to get the drawing guides you’ll have visit my TPT shop. Here is a … Read more…

All About Me Foldable Explosion Books

Hand holding a colorful, foldable squash book.

One of the first projects my 4th/5th grade students created this year were personal “About Me” folded squash books.  The kids were introduced to a simple foldable bookmaking technique and then they personalized them with drawings and collages about themselves.  Each section of the book had a prompt to get them started. I showed them a video demonstration of how to assemble the book and I provided square templates printed on card stock.  Both the video, templates and instructions are … Read more…

Positive Mindset Posters

Positive Mindset Posters

Growth Mindset… Positive Thinking.. whatever you want to call it, there is power in changing the way you think about your day. This package has 24 colorful, positive posters to hang in your classroom. I choose to be positive. Attitude and Effort are more important than talent. Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush. It can color any situation. Is this my best work? A Challenge lets me exercise my brain. Don’t say “I can’t”. Do say, “I will give it a … Read more…

Free Coloring Page: Growth Mindset

Colorful hand-drawn illustration with the text "Dreams don't work unless you do," incorporating various geometric shapes and patterns. This piece promotes a growth mindset and is also a free coloring page for added creativity.

I have been having fun this summer making coloring pages! These coloring pages have been very popular in my shop: Emoji Coloring Pages 5 pages Growth Mindset Coloring Pages Set #1 10 pages Growth Mindset Coloring Pages Set #2:  The Art Class Edition 15 pages Growth Mindset Coloring Pages Set #3 11 pages I have two free coloring sheets for you that did not end up in the coloring sheet packages in my shop. Click HERE for two free coloring sheets. For high … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.