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Published Article in Arts & Activities Magazine

Published Article in Arts & Activities Magazine

I have a new article in Arts & Activities magazine this month!  I am very excited.  I encourage you to submit articles to magazines if you have ideas you’d like to share.  It is very rewarding to see your words in print!  Arts & Activities and School Arts magazines are always looking for new articles. You can read the full article here: http://pubdev.ipaperus.com/ArtsandActivities/AADecember2016/?page=16

Article in Arts & Activities Magazine

Magazine open to an article titled "Anthropomorphic Animal Collages" in Arts & Activities Magazine, featuring colorful animal artwork and text.

I’m pretty excited my article in the October issue of Arts & Activities is on the cover! I wrote about an art project my students did after learning about the artist William Wegman. I had the awesome opportunity to interview Wegman on the phone and include the interview as a large part of the article. I’m very glad that they included a bunch of my students’ artwork (3rd grade). You can read the whole article here: http://pubdev.ipaperus.com/ArtsandActivities/AAOctober2016/?page=20 If you would … Read more…

Published Article

Published Article

Great news! I have been published in the Summer issue of School Arts magazine. I wrote an article about artwork my students made after learning about the art of contemporary artist Justin Vining.  You can read the article here.  I wrote a blog post last year all about this project:  Inspired by Artist Justin Vining. I love Justin’s artwork and you can see pictures of his artwork on his website.

Published Magazine Article!

Published Magazine Article!

An article I wrote was published in the April issue of Arts and Activities magazine! If you want to read the digital version, here is the link: http://pubdev.ipaperus.com/ArtsandActivities/AAApril2016/?page=24 Big thanks to the editor, Maryellen, for publishing my article.  I really appreciate it!  Writing about art and teaching is a hobby of mine (as you might have guessed from reading my blog) and it’s exciting to hold an actual physical copy of my writing. I have subscribed to Arts and Activities … Read more…

Cloth Paper Scissors article

Cover of Pages magazine featuring art journals, a red crab painting, and an article about creative book and art journaling projects.

I am honored to have an article published in the Summer 2013 edition of Cloth Paper Scissors PAGES magazine.  It is on the newsstands now.  The digital version is available here. I wrote about my watercolor doodles and showed how to photocopy the paintings, cut them up and use them in art journal pages.   I have a lot of these types of paintings on my blog, like here, here, and this page using the watercolor doodles. Cloth Paper Scissors does … Read more…

Featuring Magazine.. new issue is almost here!

Hi!  Happy Summer! When I am not teaching art to little kiddos, I spend some of my free time writing articles and submitting them to various magazines.  I am a contributing editor for Featuring magazine, which is a relatively new international art magazine.  I am so proud of our magazine and I wanted to share our latest issue with you. Wowza, Issue #4 is almost here!  We’ve been working really hard on this issue and even though we’ve had many … Read more…

Art Journaling Exposed 2

Art Journaling Exposed 2

I am very honored to share with you that I have an article in the Art Journaling Exposed 2 downloadable E-magazine from Cloth Paper Scissors.  I browsed through the issue and it has a lot of interesting articles and videos.  My article is titled “13 Great Layers for Art Journal Pages” These are some of the pages in the article. If you like art journaling, mixed media, collage and you would like to follow my personal art blog, you can … Read more…

Celebrating 2012– Highlights of My Year

Colorful, whimsical design with the quote "Live in the sunshine & embrace today," surrounded by flowers and patterns.

I read Carin’s post today about her creative achievements of 2012 and it got me thinking “what would be on my list if I were to make one?”  At first I thought, well, I don’t have a whole lot to say, but then I thought back to all the little things I am proud of, that made me happy and experiences I had this year that were fantastic. I’m not going to lie, this Christmas season I was not fully … Read more…

Coloring Book

A coloring book with a vibrant, doodle-filled cover.

I just wanted to share with you this cool Doodlers Anonymous coloring book link.  I have a drawing that is going to be in the coloring book!  I can’t wait to see it.  (I haven’t been paid to promote the book, but I just wanted to share my good news!) “The anticipated Volume II of the Doodlers Anonymous coloring book features the doodles and drawings of 60 artists from around the globe – some fresh novices, others seasoned veterans, all … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.