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Medieval Paper Mache Figures

Two medieval paper mache knights, one on a horse with a spear and shield, the other standing with a sword, facing each other.

This is a project from the archives.  I used to teach a combined 5th/6th grade class until this year.  Every year, we made medieval paper mache figures.  The 5/6s studied the Medieval period in their social studies class.  We used newspaper and foil to create the armature of these figures.  Then, we applied paper mache over the body.  Model magic or air dry clay was used to make the heads.  Model magic actually works the best, in my opinion.  Clothes, … Read more…

Medieval Day at School

Medieval Knight Sculptures

Near the end of the school year our 5th/6th grade students put on a Medieval Day for the entire school.  They researched and planned activities including dancing, food sampling, jousting, catapulting, exhibits and displays and of course, ART! My 5th/6th grade classes made paper mache knight sculptures starting with a newspaper armature.  They added Medieval clothes and weapons to accessorize.  Some of the materials we used were cardboard, wood, cloth, leather, raffia, doll hair, yarn and felt. One of my … Read more…

Tissue Paper Bowls – Paper Mache

Two colorful, hand-painted tissue paper bowls with floral designs on a white background.

I’m excited that I am now part of the Elmer’s Crafty Blogger Crew!  I have long been a fan of Elmer’s products and already frequently use their glue sticks, glue bottles and paper mache paste.  I decided since I am elbows deep in paper mache already, I would create some fun paper mache bowls. Learning Activity Topics: art in three-dimensions, paper mache, translucent quality of materials, layering Activity Description: Students will use paper mache paste to layer tissue paper and … Read more…

Paper Mache Maracas with Kindergarteners

Paper Mache Maracas with Kindergarteners

Aren’t we always looking for ways to relate to other subjects?  This project is perfect to connect with your music program at school. Materials you will need: plastic Easter eggs (one per child) plastic spoons (2 per child) bean, rice or plastic beads for the inside to create the noise masking tape Elmer’s Art Paste bowl, water, whisk (to mix the paper mache paste) paper towels paint decorative washi tape Goals: make connections between music and art learn about maracas … Read more…

Paper Mache Masks — 3rd & 4th Grade

Paper Mache Masks — 3rd & 4th Grade

These paper mache masks by the 3rd/4th grade received lots of compliments when they were hanging in the hallway. The class was studying Native American history in their Social Studies and we looked at some Pacific Northwest Coast masks and we discussed the functions of masks in general throughout the world. We started with a mask form (made of paper mache) that I ordered in a class pack from Nasco.  From this starting point, the students built up and embellished … Read more…

Paper Mache Rattles for Kindergarten with Native American connections

A colorful handmade rattle wand with a wooden handle wrapped in twine and string against a white background.

Creating Shakers from Paper Mache Introducing the project: To start I simply tell the kids we are making rattles.  I will save the cultural connections for a later class.  One reason for waiting on the cultural connections is that I don’t want them to copy Native American rattles, but the information I present about the Native Americans is to show how other cultures have made musical instruments.  Also, this part of the project is time consuming and we need every … Read more…

Papermache Masks– 3rd and 4th grade

A colorful handmade mask painted in blue and green tones, adorned with feathers, inspired by Pacific Northwest Coast Masks.

This is an art project that I repeat every year, because it is such a great process for the kids… starting with an initial sketched idea, building an armature, applying paper mache, painting and adding embellishments.  I tie this lesson to the Pacific Northwest Coast masks. You can see masks from previous years here and the process photos here. Thank you if you voted for me in the Art Ed blog of the year contest!  While I did not place … Read more…

Pacific Northwest Coast Masks– third/fourth grades

Handmade reindeer mask with red nose, red ears, and brown eyes with white accents on a gray background, inspired by the Pacific Northwest Coast Masks.

The third/fourth grade classes made paper mache masks.  We used inspiration from the Pacific Northwest Coast masks and viewed a video about their culture.  Here are the steps we used. Start with a papermache mask form (we used some from Nasco). Then, add appendages with newspapers, LOTS of masking tape, pieces of cardboard, yogurt containers, etc. So much fun to build up a mask! After all the parts are very secured with tape (and I mean lots of tape, MORE … Read more…

Paper mache Rattles- Kindergarten

Colorful handmade rattle with red and blue feathers, decorated with drawings and symbols on an orange paper mache circle.

The kindergartners made paper mache rattles after learning about Native American rattles.  We viewed a Powerpoint about the rattles used in Native American ceremonies.  The students made their own rattle which could be used for music and dancing.  We were not trying to copy the rattles, but use them for inspiration.  Here are the steps:1.  First, tape a paint stick to the inside of a paper plate. 2.  Put beans on the plate. 3.  Tape another plate on top.   … Read more…

Week Update

A figurine in a metallic outfit holding a flag and shield, standing on a base labeled "DARWIN OF OTFORD." Week Update included.

Well, I haven’t updated since this past Sunday, so I will briefly tell you what I’ve been up to..  parent-teacher conferences were on Tuesday.  We are in the middle of various projects… monochromatic rhythm paintings (which are awesome and I will share with you later)…  Rainbow Fish paintings, bird paintings, American landscape paintings.. wow, I guess we are doing a lot of paintings now.  The 4/5s are doing a mosaic/fresco project which I will show you when we are further … Read more…

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