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Halloween Wreaths

Halloween wreath with orange, black, and purple decorations, featuring ghost figures and ribbons.

For my Halloween Crafts class, I had 34 kids sign up and I split it into two days.  We had the first session yesterday!  One of the crafts we made were wreaths.  I purchased all kind of Halloween fabric, garland and trinkets and we wrapped, wove and tied them on to the wreath forms.  We used hot glue to attach the little trinkets.  K-5th grade! A student’s finished wreath All of the kids started with a wreath base and then … Read more…

Halloween Silhouettes– Kindergarten

Abstract drawing of a house and mice in black against a yellow, orange, and red background, reminiscent of Halloween silhouettes.

This project is fun for any grade, but especially the kindergartners because it is so cute to see what they come up with.  We painted broad strokes of WARM COLORS in the background with watercolor paints.  Then, using black and white pieces of paper, we cut out spooky shapes– haunted houses, bats, ghosts, etc.  We used a black marker to draw extra details.

Halloween Ideas

Child's drawing of a green character with black spiky hair, wearing a dark shirt and brown pants, on a white background.

So, you all know by now that I love love love Pinterest.  While I was browsing this wonderful site which had to have been created by an art teacher, I found these adorable monsters: Squeeeee!  Aren’t they so cute???  Here is the HOW TO MAKE…  So I decided I just had to make one of these.. and I did.  I don’t have pics of mine at home, but I will post them later.  What I did instead of using the … Read more…

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