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Pick and Draw Game: GIVEAWAYS

A person coloring a whimsical face drawing with a crayon on a paper covered in doodles, with game cards from Pick and Draw Game nearby.

Rich Davis, creator of a new drawing game called Pick and Draw, sent me a copy of his game to play with my kids.   I love this idea!   I can’t believe no one has invented this card game already. 🙂 The concept is simple.   The deck of cards contains face shapes, eyes, noses, mouths and hair.  Pick a card from the face pile, draw it.  Then pick the other facial features.  You can add your own creativity by changing … Read more…

Tape and Sticker Pictures

A collage flower made from various colored and patterned paper strips, accented with vibrant stickers, and "Flower by Colleen" written at the bottom.

box of stickers This was a super fun art project that I forgot to blog about earlier.  We did this at the summer art class I taught at my school.  Tape and sticker pictures.  I wrote about tape and sticker pictures earlier which I love to do with my 20 month old daughter.  The above picture is a box of stickers I made.  I took some sticky address labels, and color photocopied some patterned paper onto the sticky labels.  Then, … Read more…

Fun Activity for Toddlers, Special Needs or just any child!

Open notebook with colorful stickers, including pyramids, flowers, and bears, arranged randomly on white pages— a fun activity for toddlers or children with special needs.

As art teachers, we often talk about how the process and the manipulation of materials is the main goal.  The product is nice too, but it’s the process that matters.  That is where the learning occurs.  I’m really excited to have my own personal little art student in my house.  I just can’t wait until she is old enough to do even more art making.  Here is a really fun activity that my 18 month old loves to do:  making … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.