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Thankful for… Mobiles

Thankful for… Mobiles

What kinds of artworks have you done with the theme of Thanksgiving? I wanted to do a mixed media fibers project with my students so we made these gratitude mobiles. Students wrapped and twisted strips of fabric, yarn and wire with beads on embroidery hoops to create hanging mobiles. They attached card stock tags with words written to show what they are thankful for. Have you made any “thankful for” art projects? Please leave a comment and share!

Mr. Doodle Inspired Doodling Pictures

A colorful, abstract drawing of a unicorn with a rainbow mane and hearts in the background, inspired by Mr. Doodle’s whimsical style.

My 4th/5th graders learned about the artist Mr. Doodle and watched several videos of him doodling. You can see his artwork on his Facebook page. We talked about emphasis and the focal point and how to make the main image the largest. All of the supporting doodles would be smaller and surrounding the image. Take a look at some of the doodle art my 4th/5th grade students made after being inspired by the work of Mr. Doodle.

Outdoor Art Creator Badge- Brownie Girl Scouts

Colorful birdhouses, a green art piece with sticks, and a leaf artwork are featured in the "Outdoor Art Creator Badge" exhibit.

Last year, my 3rd grade Girl Scout troop did a variety of art projects. One of the badges we earned was the Outdoor Art Creator Badge. Here are some of the activities we did to earn the badge. I thought I would share with you, because these are some fun projects you could do with a group of kids, maybe in an after school, day camp or scout program. Here is a link to the PDF guide for the badge, … Read more…

Hopes and Goals Girl Scout Art Project

Hopes and Goals Girl Scout Art Project

Here is a fun and successful project for kids to do at the start of a new year! We did this with my Girl Scout troop of 3rd graders last January at the beginning of the new year. We talked about setting goals and intentions of what we wanted to accomplish such as personal goals for sports and activities, academic goals, goals for Girl Scouts or to be a better person and friend. It was right at the start of … Read more…

3 Back to School Ideas

Colorful and creatively designed children's backpacks with various patterns and drawings, featuring rainbows, hearts, and unicorns. Ideal for back to school, these backpacks inspire imaginative ideas among young students.

During the first week of school, you want to be teaching routines and expectations for your art class. I always like to ease into the school year with some simple, yet creative projects to get to know my students. I am going to share with you three fun Back-to-School ideas that you can try in your art classroom. 1. Creative Backpack My students used the template created by Hey Art Mama to make these creative backpacks. (I do not receive … Read more…

Sharpie Drawings on Tin Foil

Sharpie Drawings on Tin Foil

I learned this technique from my co-worker Jayne, who taught it during summer school last year. I think drawing on tin foil is a unique experience for kids that can be done using a variety of themes! My third and fourth graders had a great time making these abstract drawings using Sharpie markers on tin foil. To prepare the surface, pull out a sheet of tin foil and carefully flatten it on to a piece of cardboard or matboard. Tape … Read more…

Decoupaged Stool and Romero Britto Inspired Hearts Canvas

Colorful decoupaged stool seat with abstract designs and inspirational words like "Strong" and "Creativity," against a black background.

My students and I recently made two colorful artworks for our school fundraiser. We painted a stool with acrylic paints. I had kids from grades K-3 come up two or three at a time to take turns painting the sections. After the base layer was dry, we used magazine cutout words to decoupage the stool. Black sharpies were also used to outline and accent the edges. Students in grades K-3 helped with this project and I had some older kids … Read more…

Notre Dame Cathedral Art Projects- Stained Glass Windows

A colorful, circular mandala design with intricate patterns on a dark background, evoking the beauty of stained glass windows.

After the devastating fire this week at the Notre Dame cathedral, I put some of my previously planned lessons on hold. We are making a bulletin board in tribute of the Notre Dame cathedral. One of my classes is making some stunning and highly detailed pen drawings of parts of the cathedral and the gargoyles. Watercolor washes will be added to the background. I am super impressed with how these are coming along, but none are finished to show you … Read more…

Fall Still Life Paintings with Kids

Colorful still life with fruits, flowers, a golden goblet, and a decorative spray on a vibrant gradient background, evoking the essence of fall.

My third, fourth and fifth grade students just finished up these gorgeous fall still life paintings. Over the years I have built up a collection of fall decorations, artificial leaves, pumpkins and gourds.  I also brought in some real pumpkins and gourds as well.  If you want to do some seasonal art and still have solid art standards covered, observational drawing is always a good go-to lesson. For this project, we talked a little about arrangement and composition, which usually … Read more…

Yayoi Kusama Dotted Pumpkins for Kids

A stylized yellow pumpkin with dots and lines on a colorful, patterned background, inspired by Yayoi Kusama.

I love the results of this dotted pumpkin project inspired by the dotted pumpkins of Yayoi Kusama.  I did this art lesson with 3rd/4th grade. (Amazon Affiliate links have been used, at no extra cost to you.) I based our project after the lesson taught on the blog Plastiquem.  First, I read the book Yayoi Kusama, From Here to Infinity, which is an inspirational book about her artwork and life.  This is on my list of top 10 favorite books … Read more…

Ancient Egyptian Art Choice Menu

Ancient Egyptian Art Choice Menu

We recently had an inservice at our school and they talked about making choice menus to give the students different ways to show understanding.  I decided to make a few that could go along with different units I taught.  This one would go along with my Ancient Egyptian art lessons.  The free digital download is here in my shop. I plan to use this with my students after they have completed our main art project as an extension activity.  Feel … Read more…

Whimsical Landscapes (Justin Vining artist study)

A colorful abstract drawing featuring a mix of landscapes, cityscapes, and whimsical elements like waves and a rocket, inspired by Justin Vining's artist study.

I love this lesson!  I teach about contemporary artist Justin Vining and the kids explore the qualities of watercolor pencils to create their own whimsical landscapes. You can see artwork from another year at this blog post. You can read my interview with Justin Vining here. I even got this lesson published in a magazine! Here are some of my 4th/5th grade students’ artworks from the end of last year. When teaching this lesson, I show the students some YouTube … Read more…

Getting to Know You Activity: Art History Folded Petals

Flower-shaped activity chart with art tasks, including cartoon, signature design, draw a scene, and recreation of famous works. Great for integrating Art History lessons or as a fun "Getting to Know You" project with its folded petals design.

Art History Folded Petal– Getting to Know You Activity     This is a fun and educational “Getting to Know You” activity I did with some classes last year.  I have these art history folded petal templates in my shop. On one side are artworks from art history with a little prompt.  For example, Dog Lying in the Snow, by Franz Marc.  The prompt is “Draw a favorite animal.  On the reverse side of the folded petals, the students draw … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.