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Clay Camp for Kids– Week Two

Handmade white clay sculpture resembling a wide-mouthed creature with ears and small appendages, crafted during Week Two of Clay Camp for Kids, on a wooden surface.

We are having a great time at the summer Clay Camp for kids that I taught in DeForest, WI.  The second week we made clay monsters.  To make a monster, first, start by making a pinch pot.  See this website for a demo of pinch pots if you are not sure how.  Next, gently squish the pinch pot so it is slightly flattened.  Turn the pinch pot on its side and add teeth, eyes, legs, feet, horns, ears, nose, tongue … Read more…

Clay Camp for Kids- Week One

Handmade pottery bowl resembling a large leaf, with intricate veins and edges, created during a Kids Clay Camp, resting on a wooden surface.

This summer I have also been teaching a clay class for kids through the DeForest parks and recreation dept. It is only 6 sessions, one hour each session. I have 2 groups of kids: K-3, then 4-7 (roughly, there are some overlaps). Some of the weeks I am teaching the same projects and other weeks we are doing different projects. The first week we made leaf dishes. They are very simple and a good way to teach about rolling slabs. … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.