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“Not Just a Scribble” Creatures

“Not Just a Scribble” Creatures

(Affiliate links are used in this blog post, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting Art is Basic!) In my last blog post, I told you about a children’s book called I’m Not Just a Scribble. The author, Diane Alber, gave us a behind the scenes interview about her process and her future books. After reading this book, some of my students in grades K-3 created these cute scribble creatures with BIG personalities! (The one on the … Read more…

I’m Not Just a Scribble: Children’s Book Author Interview

Colorful crayon artwork with a rainbow, clouds, and flowers, featuring a happy stick figure with glasses at the bottom—ideal for a children's book.

(Amazon Affiliate links are used in this post at no extra cost to you.) Have you heard of the book I’m Not Just a Scribble… ?   “Scribble, the book’s main character, never thought he was different until he met his first drawing.  Then, after being left out because he didn’t look like everyone else, Scribble teaches the drawings how to accept each other for who they are.  Which enables them to create amazing art together!”-  from the book’s description. I’m … Read more…

In Case You Missed It: Frank Stella Inspired Children’s Art Project

Abstract artwork featuring intertwined red ribbons and geometric shapes on a dark background framed with a colorful border.

Two and a half years ago I posted this lesson about using Frank Stella’s artwork as inspiration for children’s drawings.  I love Frank Stella’s work.  After visiting an art museum and seeing an exhibit of the progression of his style, I was hooked.  It is so fascinating and there is a lot to look at.  The sheer size of these prints are stunning. In case you haven’t figure out by now, my favorite style of art is BUSY, abstract, super … Read more…

Interview with MazeToons artist Joe Wos

Cartoon maze by artist Joe Wos featuring characters navigating paths, starting with a boy in a yellow shirt and ending at "The Doctor is In" booth. This MazeToons creation invites you to embark on a whimsical adventure.

I have a treat for you today!  While I was researching ideas for a maze art project, I came across some really intriguing and fun mazes by an artist name Joe Wos. I am totally in love with the creativity, fun and artistry of these mazes. Joe has made a career out of his illustrated comic mazes, which he calls MazeToons.  Joe agreed to be interviewed for my blog.  Here is the interview. 1.  Tell us about yourself.  How did … Read more…

Heart Art Projects for Kids

Heart Art Projects for Kids

Now is the time to start planning for Valentine’s Day art projects.  I am going to share with you a few heart art projects I have taught in my school. First is the Map of My Heart. It is one of my favorites. I found the heart map idea in this book, Playful Learning.  Start by drawing a heart in pencil on your paper.  Think of all the things that you love or that are important to you.  What is … Read more…

Fun and Easy Mandalas with Metallic Gel Pens

Fun and Easy Mandalas with Metallic Gel Pens

One day this summer, my daughter came home from camp with a circle design drawn using metallic gel pens.  I thought it looked so cool, I wanted to try it with my students in 3rd/4th grade.  I usually teach about mandalas and radial balance at this age level. Mandalas have religious and spiritual significance around the world.  They have been used for meditation and relaxation.  I showed the students mandalas including Tibetan and Navajo sand paintings, ancient Aztec and architecture.  … Read more…

How to Survive as a Firefly: Art Project

Free firefly art project featuring colorful designs and step-by-step drawing guides.

I was given the book How to Survive as a Firefly from Innovation Press to share with you on my blog.  This is a pretty cool book, with nice illustrations and good scientific information throughout the book.  I wrote a FREE art project tutorial with drawing guides, available at my TPT shop to accompany this book.  The directions are also here in this blog post, but to get the drawing guides you’ll have visit my TPT shop. Here is a … Read more…

All About Me Foldable Explosion Books

Hand holding a colorful, foldable squash book.

One of the first projects my 4th/5th grade students created this year were personal “About Me” folded squash books.  The kids were introduced to a simple foldable bookmaking technique and then they personalized them with drawings and collages about themselves.  Each section of the book had a prompt to get them started. I showed them a video demonstration of how to assemble the book and I provided square templates printed on card stock.  Both the video, templates and instructions are … Read more…

Kindergarten Watercolor Shapes

A watercolor paint set and brush beside a colorfully painted paper showcasing various shapes in different hues, ideal for kindergarten creativity.

I am always trying to come up with new ideas for my youngest students to experience painting in a successful way, learn about important art concepts and still be able to use their creativity. In this lesson, the goals were the following: Students will… Practice using a paintbrush properly. Learn about the qualities of watercolors through instruction and exploration. Experiment with watercolor resist. Be able to identify common shapes such as circle, diamond, triangle, trapezoid, star, square, oval, rectangle, heart and … Read more…

Art Video: Doodling with Watercolor Pencils

A colorful abstract drawing with various shapes and a set of watercolor pencils beside it.

  In this video, I give a demonstration of how to use Maped Watercolor Pencils to make a beautiful doodled painting.  If you are reading this through email or a blog reader, you may need to pop on over to my actual blog to see the video.  It should show up below. If you would like to purchase a set, click here: Maped Watercolor Pencils I was given a free set of watercolor pencils to review. (affiliate links have been used.)

Watercolor Pencil Review

A colorful abstract drawing with various shapes and a set of watercolor pencils beside it.

Hi friends!  I was given a free set of Maped Watercolor Pencils to review.  I decided to practice my skills at making videos and I did a review of these pencils. Stay tuned!  In my next blog post, I will give a demonstration of how to use Maped Watercolor Pencils to make a beautiful doodled painting. If you would like to purchase a set, click here: Maped Watercolor Pencils (affiliate links have been used.)

Back to School Letter Art for Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade

A child's hand is coloring a large letter "C" with crayons on a piece of paper, creating delightful Letter Art ideal for Pre-K projects.

Hi all!  I hope your school year is off to a great start.  This project is how I began the year with my youngest students.  First, I read them two short books about creativity and making art.  First, we read Think Big.  It’s very short and simple (about two words on each page), but it shows different ways people express themselves.. dancing, sewing, cooking, woodworking, theater, art, etc. I also like to read the book Louise Loves Art! To prepare … Read more…

Freebie! Draw Light Until You Know It’s Right POSTER

Illustrated sign saying "Draw LIGHT until you know it's right!" with a pencil graphic below. Get your free Light Drawing Poster today!

I have been teaching myself how to use Adobe Illustrator this summer so I can make some clip art to use.  I made a cute poster you could print out for your class.  I have seen this phrase on many posters online.  I made the pencil on Illustrator!  Ha Ha, I’m so proud of myself.  I’ve always used Photoshop to do everything, so Illustrator has been kind of a mystery to me. To download the high resolution PDF version, go to … Read more…

Free Printable: Faith Ringgold Inspired Quilt Template

A child's drawing of a family surrounded by a colorful mosaic frame, with a hand resting at the bottom, inspired by Faith Ringgold.

Hi!  I’m here today to share with you a meaningful art project for your younger students.  This would be good as as a “getting to know you” activity.  The following examples were all made by kindergartners near the end of the year, but I would think this lesson would be suitable for kids through grades 2. Many art teachers have taught about the artist Faith Ringgold and had their students create paper quilts.  I have a free printable for you … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.