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Foam Printmaking

A yellow and black foam printmaking artwork depicts a stylized dinosaur-like creature with rectangular shapes and surrounding triangles.

Recently, I did styrofoam printmaking with my 4th/5th grade classes. Styrofoam printing is a relatively easy way to introduce printmaking to a group of kids. It is messy and can be challenging, so I’m providing a video demonstration in this blog post. The materials needed are: For this project, I gave the students an open-ended theme. They could choose either 1. Something from Greek mythology (they were studying ancient Greece and Rome) or 2. Something from a book they read. … Read more…

Pop Art Snowmen Project

Pop Art Snowmen Project

I have a new art lesson plan to show you! I wrote this for a substitute lesson, but you can make it as simple or complex as you want to. My students were very interested in watching me design my snowman picture and they were amazed at how detailed the background was, but also they felt confident they could create a Pop Art snowman picture of their own. This lesson is available for purchase in my shop and includes Snowman … Read more…

Georgia O’Keeffe and Flower Paintings for Kids

Four vibrant flower paintings, labeled as a Georgia O'Keeffe study, set against a purple background with the title below.

I love these tempera paint flowers that are inspired by the artwork of Georgia O’Keeffe.   These close-up paintings were created by my 2nd grade students last year. The children used photo references to draw large flowers. Then, they painted with colors and finally, outlined in black paint.  I really love the white polka dot on black background in the top right picture.  I may suggest a patterned background to students next time I teach this project.     To tie in … Read more…

12 Highly Relatable Art History Memes

Fresco of a distressed man with hand on face, captioned "When you accidentally hit reply all."

I don’t usually have guest submissions, but when I do, it’s because I think it is really worthwhile or just really entertaining.  I think you will really enjoy these art history memes from Invaluable (a gallery/art auction site). 12 Highly Relatable Art History Memes Joseph Ducreux, “Self-portrait of the artist in the guise of a mocker,” 1793. Image via Wikimedia Commons. When it comes to a work of art, context is everything. Today, one of the greatest challenges for art historians … Read more…

Artists That Inspire Us — Art Ed Blogger’s Network

Artists That Inspire Us — Art Ed Blogger’s Network

Hi! Are you interested in learning about artists that inspire?  Are you looking for new contemporary artists to teach your students? One of my favorite parts about blogging is connecting with other bloggers online.  Some art education bloggers recently formed an Art Ed Blogger’s Network.  We are planning to post once a month about the same topic. This month’s topic is Artists that Inspire Us.  Most readers probably know about the most famous artists that are typically taught in an … Read more…

Free Printable: Faith Ringgold Inspired Quilt Template

A child's drawing of a family surrounded by a colorful mosaic frame, with a hand resting at the bottom, inspired by Faith Ringgold.

Hi!  I’m here today to share with you a meaningful art project for your younger students.  This would be good as as a “getting to know you” activity.  The following examples were all made by kindergartners near the end of the year, but I would think this lesson would be suitable for kids through grades 2. Many art teachers have taught about the artist Faith Ringgold and had their students create paper quilts.  I have a free printable for you … Read more…

Tree of Life and Talking Sticks

Tree of Life and Talking Sticks

I forgot to share these pictures of our display when I wrote the blog post about Talking Sticks.  My co-worker Jayne taught the lesson behind these talking sticks which were Tree of Life acrylic paintings on canvas boards.  They were done by middle school kids.  Aren’t they gorgeous?

4th and 5th Grade Profile Drawings: In the Style of Egyptians, Mixtec Codex and Duncan Tonatiuh

4th and 5th Grade Profile Drawings:  In the Style of Egyptians, Mixtec Codex and Duncan Tonatiuh

My students were treated to a visit by illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh.  He is both Mexican and American. He grew up in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico and graduated from Parsons School of Design in New York City. His images are inspired by ancient Mexican art, especially the Mixtec codex of the 14th and 15th centuries. Like the people and animals in the codex, the figures in his illustrations are always drawn in profile– their entire bodies are usually shown and their ears … Read more…

Duncan Tonatiuh: Author/Illustrator Visit

An illustrator depicts a woman pointing upward as four children sit around her, with corn stalks in the background.

On Friday, we had a visit to our school by author and illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh. See his artwork here.  He is both Mexican and American. He grew up in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico and graduated from Parsons School of Design in New York City. His artwork is inspired by Pre-Columbian art, particularly that of the Mixtec codex. His goal is to create images and stories that honor the past, but that are relevant to people, especially children, nowadays.  His books are beautiful … Read more…

A Great Way to Communicate with Parents in Art Class

A Great Way to Communicate with Parents in Art Class

This year I have started using a new way to communicate with parents.  After receiving some feedback last year that parents didn’t know quite what we were learning about with each project, I decided to type up description statements that would explain artists we learned about, skills and techniques practiced and any other goals of the art project. After the projects are completed I have a student helper tape the descriptions to the back for the younger classes.  The older … Read more…

New Art History Sketchbook Prompt Set!! Set #4

New Art History Sketchbook Prompt Set!!  Set #4

I have a brand new set of Art History Sketchbook Prompts to share with you! These cards are a great way for students to do some independent learning if they finish an art project early. This is set #4 of the Art History Sketchbook Prompts, with all NEW artists! These art history cards feature a selection of inspiring famous artworks with a prompt that can be used to spark drawing and writing.  Only $5!  The price reflects the increase in … Read more…

Create a “Create” Banner

A colorful mural with the word "CREATE" surrounded by various vibrant doodles, patterns, and abstract designs, showcasing an inspiring create design.

I’ve been busy this school year, but proud of myself that I feel like I’m keeping on top of things.  It is so easy to feel like you are drowning in artwork, messes and things on your to-do list.  Am I the only one sometimes that feels like I am swimming in a sea of student artwork trying to figure out what’s what, what’s finished and what still needs to be done? I wanted to share with you a fun … Read more…

3-D Bedroom Constructions and Perspective

3-D Bedroom Constructions and Perspective

Student-directed vs. teacher-directed and choice vs. “cookie cutter projects”  (I hate that phrase, it’s so annoying) are big discussions with art teachers online lately.  This is an example of how teacher-directed projects (perspective and interior models) can include lot of student choice and opportunities for creativity. When I went to the Art Institute of Chicago this Spring, I was lucky to be able to see the traveling van Gogh bedroom paintings exhibit.  My friend Dawn told me that she used … Read more…

New Products and Big Sale! Up to 28% off

Discover our Elements of Art sketchbook, featuring sections on line, shape, color, value, texture, and space.

Teachers Pay Teachers is throwing a huge Back-to-School sale.  I am joining in.  I keep my prices affordable as it is, but this sale is a huge steal!  I have over 50 art teacher resources available in my shop.  Everything is 20% off (EDIT: except the HUGE GROWING BUNDLE,  because that is already ridiculously cheap) August 1-2.  Add the coupon code: BestYear for additional savings (28% off total). I have some resources you might be interested in! NEW:  Elements of … Read more…

Huge Printable Art Advocacy List! What Do Artists Do?

Huge Printable Art Advocacy List!  What Do Artists Do?

Many of you probably know of Ian and Melissa from Apex High School.  They have developed a list of Artistic Behaviors for the high school level.  I have been following along and seeing how they teach their students.  Seeing their list gave me the idea to create posters that shows kids what artists do and what exactly is an artist.  I decided to simplify the behaviors for elementary school students and start from the basics.  Start from the ground and … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.