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Best Art Materials for the Elementary Art Classroom

Art supplies arranged around a sign that reads 'Best Art Materials,' with 'Art Ed Blogger's Network' logo above.

We all have our favorite art supplies.  What are your MUST-HAVE art supplies for an elementary art classroom?  Here are some of my favorites!  (Amazon Affiliate links have been used in this post at no extra cost to you.) Kwik Stix.  Oh, how I love these paint sticks! They go on smoother than oil pastels, they have such bright, vibrant colors and they are so easy to use with low mess!  They come in metallic, regular and neon. On this … Read more…

Back to School Ideas

Colorful image with text: "Let's Get Start-ed!" and lockers with an "Art Class" sign. Art Ed Blogger's Network logo above, perfect for back to school inspiration.

I am not quite ready to go back to school yet and I am guessing you are not ready either.  But, the Art Ed Blogger’s Network is here to help you start planning!  Our topic this month is the “first week of school”. A few years ago, I compiled a huge list of tips for the first days of school.  These tips were submitted by art teachers all over the world.  This gigantic list of tips will help you get … Read more…

Create a Summer Art Journal

Colorful Art Journal pages with butterflies and flowers. Text: "Awaken in your own time," "Summer takes flight,"

Isn’t this graphic the cutest?!  I am part of an Art Ed Blogger’s Network which is a collective of writers who blog about a certain topic each month.  At the bottom of the post is a link to all the participating bloggers.  The theme this month is about Summer Art. What is an Art Journal? An art journal is a visual diary… it is place for artists to express themselves using imagery, words, colors, patterns and designs.  An art journal … Read more…

My 3 Top Tips to Increase Student Engagement in Art

Various art supplies with "Art Ed Blogger’s Network: Top Tips for Student Engagement" text on a wooden background.

This month the Art Ed Blogger’s Network is talking about student engagement and participation.  When I tell people that I am an art teacher, some people who say ”Wow, that must be so much fun! I bet the kids all just love art.” Well, there are fun times, but there are times when not everyone is engaged in the media or project we are working on.  I’m sure this happens in all classrooms. Sometimes it is due to lack of alignment … Read more…

Ideas for Early Finishers in Art

Activities for Early Finishers" text on lined paper with doodles of stick figures and art supplies.

This month, the Art Ed Blogger’s Network is talking about how to enrich art class for students who finish early. I think this is an ongoing concern for most art teachers.  Kids work at all different paces.  Some students will finish their artwork lickety-split with half the class period left.  Others will work on the same technique or project and spend multiple periods working on the same piece.  So you will often have students at all different paces and at … Read more…

Egyptian Pyramid STEAM Lesson: Art Ed Blogger’s Network

Egyptian Pyramid STEAM Lesson:  Art Ed Blogger’s Network

How does ART fit into STEM? STEAM:  Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math This month’s Art Ed Blogger’s Network topic is STEAM.  How do art teachers approach STEAM in the classroom?  Should art teachers embrace STEAM? There are many different opinions on STEAM.  Personally, I like to bring in different subjects to the art room.  I think it’s great that so many of our art projects involve other disciplines.  However, I also think art for arts sake is important too.  … Read more…

Artists That Inspire Us — Art Ed Blogger’s Network

Artists That Inspire Us — Art Ed Blogger’s Network

Hi! Are you interested in learning about artists that inspire?  Are you looking for new contemporary artists to teach your students? One of my favorite parts about blogging is connecting with other bloggers online.  Some art education bloggers recently formed an Art Ed Blogger’s Network.  We are planning to post once a month about the same topic. This month’s topic is Artists that Inspire Us.  Most readers probably know about the most famous artists that are typically taught in an … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.