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Author Archives: Marcia Beckett
Kindergarten Apple Trees

An apple explosion! Apple Tree Painting Step One: Pass out watercolor paper to kindergartners. Step Two: Write name on back! Step Three: Demonstrate drawing a tree with brown crayon. Add branches. Color grass with crayons. Step Four: Watercolor paint the sky with blue paints. Next Day: Step One: Sponge paint various shades of green on the branches. Step Two: Paint apples with red paint. Use your fingertips to make dots.
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3rd Grade Self Portraits

This was a lesson that I found in a magazine.. either School Arts or Arts and Activities. This is a several step project. Day one: Paint squares of colors using watercolor paints on a piece of 12 x18 paper. Finish during this period. Day Two: Cut out tissue paper squares and glue on top of your painted paper. Day Three: Use construction paper and cut out a shirt shape. Add patterns and designs with Crayola Gel FX markers. Glue to … Read more…
Clouds in Art

In Science class, the 5/6s studied various types of clouds. In art class, we learned about clouds in art. This website has an amazing selection of famous artworks with clouds. Scientists have identified the types of clouds that are in these paintings. Check it out! The 5/6s made small watercolor paintings of a specific type of cloud. They had to identify the type of cloud they were painting. Clouds in art
Eagle painting finished
Drawings I did today
collage with fabric and other things
painting in progress
Complementary Color Quilt Paintings.

Complementary Color Quilt Paintings1st Grade Key Concepts: What are quilts? What are complementary colors? What are patterns? We previously had done a fabric quilt square and I wanted to tie this project into their study of quilts already. We learned about the color wheel and complementary colors. The 1st graders chose a pair to paint their square. I had pre-drawn the rectangular rings around the center with pencil. They painted them in with alternating complementary colors. The next class period, … Read more…
Line Paintings

What are different types of lines? What is the proper way to use paints?The kids in kindergarten learned about various types of lines. We tried to think of all the possible types of lines that we could imagine– wavy, straight, zig zag, loopy, thick, thin, dotted, dashed, lines that start wavy then become loopy, etc. Next, the students learned the proper way to hold a paintbrush, dip it into paint and then wash the brush with water in between colors. … Read more…
Happy Birthday to my Baby!

Here she is relaxing on her baby couch that we bought for her birthday. I know this isn’t art-related, but we had my baby Daria’s birthday party yesterday– she turns ONE year old on October 7. Love her so much!! Isn’t she adorable?! 🙂 Here is Daria with her cousin Sonia. Daria can walk on her own, but still stumbles a bit. The morning of her b-day party she took a tumble on the concrete and hurt her lip, so … Read more…
Farmer’s Market Collage
Texture Teddy Bears

To complement the teddy bear theme in their classroom, the kindergartners drew a teddy bear in art class with crayons. We used texture plates to create texture rubbings on the fur. On the inside of the teddy bear’s stomach, they drew a creative picture. We also learned about patterns and read the book Lots and Lots of Zebra Stripes. Patterns were drawn around the border.